I think I’ll go on strike

Why? Can't they opt out if they disagree with the strike?
If they bdo take annaulo leave who will know?

Think the question has been answered by now. Yes they can opt out by leaving the union altogether but taking annual leave because you don't agree with the stance isn't an option during industrial action.
Think the question has been answered by now. Yes they can opt out by leaving the union altogether but taking annual leave because you don't agree with the stance isn't an option during industrial action.
So it's "you're either with us 100% or you're out".
Typical socialist rubbish that ignores the needs of the individual.

There's no intimidation like union intimidation.
So it's "you're either with us 100% or you're out".
Typical socialist rubbish that ignores the needs of the individual.

There's no intimidation like union intimidation.

Yes I suppose this is the case and I'm aware that many people join a union because they feel they have to.

I was however, pointing out that taking annual leave on the days of a strike isn't an option.
Yes I suppose this is the case and I'm aware that many people join a union because they feel they have to.

I was however, pointing out that taking annual leave on the days of a strike isn't an option.

But a sick cert is. I'm out anyway as i'm having an operation.
So it's "you're either with us 100% or you're out".
Typical socialist rubbish that ignores the needs of the individual.

There's no intimidation like union intimidation.
Look at it the other way. You have employees who are members of a union. The membership was balloted for industrial action. The ballot is in favour of industrial action.

Tom, Dick and Harry are going to be on strike on Thuirsday. Mary, who's employed on the same terms and conditions and is also a member of the union comes along and says "Actually, I'd like a day's paid leave instead."

You're the employer. You need staff working at that level on that day. Are you going to say "Fine, off you go, have a nice day?"

The guidance on annual leave and the like is coming from the employers, for perfectly valid reasons. I don't know what the unions are saying about it.

Ron Burgundy's situation is different since he's not a member of the union. I think it's inappropriate that he be pressurised when he has made that conscious decision.
You're the employer. You need staff working at that level on that day. Are you going to say "Fine, off you go, have a nice day?"

Yes, that’s exactly what I’d say.
I would see someone who had the conviction to stand up for what they believe to be right thing.

has this person any ambition in life or is he/she content with spending 40 years in a job they have no interest in apart from the pension and job security?
it makes me sick, the latest excuse the public servants are peddling about 'only going into the public service for job security and pension'
anyone who shows such limited & myopic ambition does not deserve to be kept in employment.

Well they don't go in for the amazing pay........
Yes, that’s exactly what I’d say.
I would see someone who had the conviction to stand up for what they believe to be right thing.
Taking leave so as not to pass a picket placed by your co-workers doesn't sound to me like having "the conviction to stand up for what they believe to be the right thing."

It sounds far more like wanting to avoid displaying any conviction at all.

To me it’s just trying to limit the amount of bullying and intimidation they will face from the foot soldiers of the Bearded Brethren.
But a sick cert is. I'm out anyway as i'm having an operation.

Sick certs are of course acceptable. Trying to plan your sugery around days of a strike would be very difficult. That said the 'true union nuts' would expect you to carry your own leg around.

For me the issue is quite simple - either you're in the union or you're not. If you don't agree with the stance - leave.

I for one did not agree with public servants ever getting bonuses. I toyed with leaving the union and didn't and I was happy enough to accept the pay awards and benchmarking at the time.

We have not mandated our union for industrial action to date. I don't believe that unions leaders are too keen on PS's going to the gate. That said a few strikes will save a good few bob.
I've already said if there are more strike days i'll moonwalk across any picket line. Anything to annoy them even more !!!
I've already said if there are more strike days i'll moonwalk across any picket line. Anything to annoy them even more !!!

? anymore strike days. There hasn't been many strikes in the last 10 years. I have been working 20 years in the HSE and never been on strike. When the nurses were out in 1998 we got word from our own union that it was in order for us to pass the pickets.

The IMO and the PNA are the only unions in the HSE AFAIK voting on whether to go on industrial action. The rest of the unions are meeting on it tomorrow.
? anymore strike days. There hasn't been many strikes in the last 10 years.
Why would there have been any strikes; the unions have effectively been running the country for the last 10 years.
Fight for ?? They get a raise through the social partners like all workers.
And just who do you think negotiates the wages increases in the social partnership increases? Do you think the employers give wage increases out of the goodness of their hearts?
All employees don’t get pay increases through social partnership, indeed according to the Irish Independent two thirds of companies plan to reduce wages this year (and that forecast was made last December, before things got really bad).
What national wage agreements have done is seek to break the link between your economic value to your employer, the pay level for a particular role as determined by the market (keep increasing pay ‘till all the jobs are filled with the right people) and the employers ability to pay (be that employer a shop or the state).
There is no way it couldn’t have damaged the country.