I think I’ll go on strike

If they are members of the union they will have to participate in the industrial action. Taking annual leave is the same as passing the picket.
Have to ? Why, if they dodge it by taking annual leave, are the Union 'heavies' gonna break their legs or something ? I though this was a (somewhat) free country.

I reckon Cowan should hire Maggie as a consultant/strike-breaker. She's got more balls than him for the job anyway I reckon.
If you're in a union then it's majority rules. If you don't agree with your union then leave. It's not a la carthyism.
Oh and i was asked in work today about crossing the picket line.......my answer is that i'll moonwalk across it !!!
Slightly OT, but Ron & Sandra - can I ask, are you considering leaving then? and if so, is it because of the union's current stance or for a number of reasons - and in your experience do many of your co-workers share your views?
If you're in a union then it's majority rules. If you don't agree with your union then leave. It's not a la carthyism.

This is exactly why we need to become a right to work state, unions have way to much power here.

If someone deceides that he does not like what the union is doing at a particular point while still believing in the union in the long run and he deceides that he rather than doing a public crossing the picket line make a silent decision to take a day off, than that is his right in my eyes.

Not everything the majority deceides is good and there must be legal ways to ensure that a person right to work are not interfeared with.
I have no time for unions. The people running my union will not have to take the levy and are on much higher salary than me, so what is their motivation ??

I am not a sheep and when i ask people why they are in the union they just say....ah sure ya have to be or oh you never know when you'll need them.

Why would i consider leaving ??? I have told workers that i will cross the picket, i have also said that any abuse towards me will be dealt with as well. I will not be bullied into joining a union or doing something because everyone else is doing it.

it is a personal choice and i stand by it.
I have no time for unions. The people running my union will not have to take the levy and are on much higher salary than me, so what is their motivation ??

I am not a sheep and when i ask people why they are in the union they just say....ah sure ya have to be or oh you never know when you'll need them.

Why would i consider leaving ??? I have told workers that i will cross the picket, i have also said that any abuse towards me will be dealt with as well. I will not be bullied into joining a union or doing something because everyone else is doing it.

it is a personal choice and i stand by it.

Thank you for standing up for what you believe in and I hope that you will be able to do what you wants (work) on that day.
Well i know some who are in the union and don't want to strike as they can'ty afford it. Some are 1 parent families and some have had partners laid off and are the only wage coming in to pay the bills.

They can either leave the union or just strike. No other option i believe.

I might even get a t shirt that says "yeah yeah i know i'm a scab"
i don't they would get it. Reading what is on the t shirt would be a job for most of them to be honest......
My friend on €20k a year loses a day's pay to strike next week cos he feels he'll be letting himself down if he doesn't. He can't afford this exta levy, only took the job in the first place because of the benefits despite the poor salary. Now he loses more of his salary for the same benefits he was always going to get.

tell him to go out and get a job in the private sector then. less pay, no pension, longer hours, and the possibility of losing his job then after all of that.
tell him to go out and get a job in the private sector then. less pay, no pension, longer hours, and the possibility of losing his job then after all of that.

But I'm sorry, that is all the fault of goverment and employers that are engagaged in a campaign to drive down wages, as an alternative to currency devaluation. At least according to congress (Irish Congress of Trade Unions).

Again, I think that there are underpaid people in the public service just as there are underpaid people in private sector, we need to stop this "us" against "them" approach that is currently going on. Everybody should get a fair wage for the job they are doing and nobody should earn less than what they can get on social welfare. We need to reward working people.

And while I agree with people having the right to strike that does not take away the right of others to go to work and earn their living.

I actualy think that certain public sectors should not have the right to strike. If you look at the continent, several countries have laws in which civil cervants are not allowed to strike in return for better working conditions and pensions.

Core services of public service should not have the right to strike, if they don't like the conditions than they can go and work somewhere else, just like people in the private sector must. They should be paid a fair salary and benefits for the job they are doing.
No, that’s called the tyranny of the majority. The reason countries have constitutions is to protect the people in these circumstances.

Democracy=Tyranny? Bit of a stretch.

BTW I'm not pro/anti union, but if you're in an organisation (like a country/union/whatever) then democracy is what we have. You can choose to ignore the wishes of the majority if you like.

I'm not an apologist for the unions, they're well able to do that themselves. If someone wants to work during a strike that's their business despite the fact that it undermines the whole notion of being in a union (united).