Good riddance to Aer Rianta

Conswallop indeed

Post containing foul language deleted
Re: Conswallop indeed

To add insult to injury my fee was €43. I couldn't pay by credit card as there was nobody in the little exit office to pay. Just a note sellotaped to the window saying "closed". This is not the first time that this has happened.

You can put your credit card into the Pay Machines.

Aer Rianta

"But here's the real Aer Rianta scandal - giving away a Mercedes at the taxpayers expense! "

Not just a Mercedes, Rainyday, but O'Hanlon also handed out €9,000 watches to selected members of the board !!!!!! Throw in the 'acting' CE getting a €750,000 payoff from the board after been in the job for 9 months, and we have 1 big stinking mess.

Has this country gone feckin mad - this kind of This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language would'nt go on in North Korea.
Aer Runty

Add to that the hugely generous final salary scheme, and restrictive work practices that they have there, and you can see why the Government wants to break them up.

Why should the taxpayer / passenger pay for this sort of messing ?
Re: Aer Runty

While I agree with some of the broad sentiments of this thread I would like some more evidence before I would accept all the charges that have been levied against AR.

hugely generous final salary scheme

I assume you are referring to a final salary Pension scheme here. As far as I know the Aer Rianta Superannuation schemes conform to the Model Schemes defined by the Department of Finance. They are no more or less generous than similar schemes in the private sector. Some private sector DB schemes (in in the banks and some US based multinationals) are far more generous than the model D of F allows.

restrictive work practices

What specific restrictive work practices are you referring to? Can you give some examples?

Why should the taxpayer pay for this sort of messing?

As far as I know Aer Rianta never recieved government funding? They were a commmercially run profitable company which funded thier own development programmes.

The gold watches and mercedes went to the part time board members and chairman. While I agree with you that this is outrageous it is unfair to paint all full time employees with the same brush.

I dont have any connection with AR.
Re: Aer Runty

Business gives generous payouts and gifts to Board Members SHOCKER!!!!!

Financial Waste discovered in State Owned Company

Not saying that they deserved their watches, or that we should condone such spending sprees but let's not all choke on our cornflakes in surprise.

As long as they all pay benefit in kind on the watches, and it's all legal then I have no problem. If we want to change the rules to make such handouts illegal, well that's something I'd have no problem with.

Personally if I was on the board and was given a 9000 watch in those circumstances I think I'd have declined it. But if they chose not to that's their business.

Re: Aer Runty

Can someone clarify for me whether the watches were paid for by the company or the chairman?
Re: Aer Runty

The Company as far as we know.
The chairman awarded himself one as well.

It would be highly unusual for a chairman to make such a gift out of his own pocket. I'm sure there wouldn't have been any controversy if it was a personal gift. It wouldn't be any of our business.

Re: Aer Runty

I'm sure there wouldn't have been any controversy if it was a personal gift
You are probably right but it's a pretty major assumption that has done considerable damage to a man's reputation. It would be good to be sure.
Re: Aer Runty

Can someone clarify for me whether the watches were paid for by the company or the chairman?
Seems the chairman has been shamed in to [broken link removed].
Aer Rianta

There was a better solution to this issue.
Aer Rianta management should have been allowed to buy the company. Then the tax payer would get a few bob for the business, and not have to fund it anymore. And let the management do what they like the. I'm sure they'd have been only too pleased to bin those FS pension schemes then, and slim the whole thing down for a fast resale in a few years. If Mr.O'Hanlon and his buddies had the wherewithall and the inclination why not give it to him cheap and get shot of it!
Re: Aer Runty

The other board members are giving them back now, what nice people!

They should do the same thing with Aer Fungus

Yeah, sooner the better...only not to that Harry Potter twerp, Walsh. He shot his bolt and has had to dig himself out of the hole he was left in when his bosom buddy Brennan got fired. Love watching the bugger squirm.

Its important to remember though that he dragged the whole place from the edge of bankruptcy. We have a lot to thank him for.

I only hope the new owners do as well

That doesn't mean we have to give him a profitable public asset as a big thank you! What sort of nonsense is that! He gets paid to do a job, if he wants more let him feck off and start his own company. Aer Fungus is the property of the people of Ireland, not a fat cat wannabe like Mr.Walsh.

So Walsh is the property of Ireland.

As Miley might say "Well Holy God"!!!

Aer Fungus

Right enough, I was amused at his frantic denials before the Oireachtas committee yesterday of any intent to seek an MBO. He claimed it was all just a 'misunderstanding'. I'd like to have been there to ask him why (if he really did not want an MBO) he had not publicly corrected the numerous references made in the media to that effect? Obviously Walsh was happy to let the MBO story grow legs...right up until his mentor Sammy Brennan got the chop!

'Misunderstanding' me bum...Bertie put him back in his box!

"So Walsh is the property of Ireland"

Don't know where you get that idea Ted. But his ass is now clearly the property of IMPACT.

Thank you Bertie!!
Aer Lingus

Tharg / Tomo said:

"Obviously Walsh was happy to let the MBO story grow legs...right up until his mentor Sammy Brennan got the chop! "

Or it could just be that he was too busy running the airline profitably to bother with this sort of IMPACT generated gossip.