Glowpower has increased prices by 50% but I am stuck in a contract with them!

Mrs Vimes

Registered User
Hi All,

We signed up to a one year plan with Glowpower last September when they were charging 12.92c per unit.

Within a few weeks they had increased their rate to 13.53c per unit - an increase of 4.7%

Today they announce a further increase to 16.12c per unit - 19% more and almost 25% above what we signed up for less than 6 months ago!

I have written them a brief but angry email demanding to be released from contract without penalty.

Is there anything I can do if they refuse? The whole thing looks like a scam where once they get enough customers signed up they can jack up the prices and make their money in over-charging or cancellation fees.

Are there exit fees in your contract? With the prices they currently advertise (which are shockingly high!) there are no exit fees.
Hi RedOnion,

There is a charge of €50 to terminate early. I'll wait until I hear whether they will waive it then I'll have to recalculate which is the cheapest and whether it is worth breaking.

I don't know whether our usage has gone up too with all the online schooling going on!

I also emailed as they are still showing the interim price and suggested they warn people which providers have such huge increases.
Looking at their new rates, you'd be better to pay the 50 charge and go elsewhere. Some others pay cashback for new customers - you have to select the option on Bonkers to show the cashback in comparison results.
Hi, back to this again.

Glowpower have offered to move me to another plan which has a very slightly higher unit price but have to restart the 12 month contract.

I have accepted, and if they increase their prices on this plan too much I can avail of the €50 charge option then. I don't think there is another provider charging much less at the moment so shouldn't be any worse off.
Got an email today - they are increasing their unit price by more than 50%.
I will move to another provider the day before the new price kicks in. Bord Gais Energy are looking best right now even with their pending increase but I will check again when moving.
I am with Glowpower since February this year. I have had no notifications of any price increases since moving to them. Are they obliged to tell me if their charges are increasing or can they just implement the increases without telling me?

I have had problems with them. Always over estimated meter readings. I don't think I have had my meter read yet. I have been unable to send them my meter reading through their website. I always have to send them a private email with my reading.

I can't wait to move from them.
I am with Glowpower since February this year. I have had no notifications of any price increases since moving to them. Are they obliged to tell me if their charges are increasing or can they just implement the increases without telling me?

I have had problems with them. Always over estimated meter readings. I don't think I have had my meter read yet. I have been unable to send them my meter reading through their website. I always have to send them a private email with my reading.

I can't wait to move from them.
You can send readings thru 1. Electricity:
2. gas:
20 July 2021

An important update from the team at Glowpower.

You will no doubt have read the headlines this year around changes to the cost of electricity across Ireland. Increasing costs including distributor costs, the cost of gas to supply energy in Ireland and the wholesale price of power have all contributed to what has been an unprecedented year of ongoing high prices.

What is affecting the wholesale cost of electricity in Ireland?

  • Low wind generation .
  • Long term unplanned outages of large electricity generation plants in the Republic of Ireland.
  • increased carbon emission costs.
  • significant increases in the cost of gas used to power generators.
· Increased commodity costs.
These have had a direct and sustained impact on the rising cost of wholesale electricity.

We are very sensitive to the needs and circumstances of our customers and have absorbed these costs over the winter period and we have tried to ride out the storm, as prices historically have fallen at this time of year, however the entire industry is seeing unsustainably high wholesale prices and we have reached a tipping point where we are required to review our current plans. Reluctantly, our review outcome requires us to amend our tariff structures to ensure their viability.

The price changes reflect the real increase in overall associated costs. As with all our pricing decisions, this is not a decision we have taken lightly, and we continue to ensure that the price rises will have the least impact on our customers.

What is the change and when will this happen?

The change to your pricing is listed below. Prices will change on the 21 of August.

Current Rates - Ex VAT
New Rates - Ex VAT
ProductDay Rate C/kWhNight Rate C/kWh24hr Rate C/kWhSupply Charge C/kWhDay Rate C/kWhNight Rate C/kWh24hr Rate C/kWhSupply Charge C/kWhEAB € INC VAT
204 Festive Saver - Urban 24 0.1420 0.4000 0.1829 0.4720€1,156.22

What happens next?

The price changes will be automatic and will apply to your bill. Price changes will be pro-rata across the affected days and will appear as separate line items on your bill.

The unfortunate reality is that electricity costs have changed however the team at Glowpower will continue to offer our customers value for money even with these price changes.

Glowpower’s commitment to you.

Glowpower will continue to extend for a further 12 months any discounts or benefits of your existing plan, subject to our terms and conditions and our Codes of Practice. As conditions change, we will endeavour to look for opportunities to provide benefits to our customers.

This is part of our commitment to helping you save on your overall electricity costs.


I see that they are also increasing their supply charge.
What does the contract say?

I had a vague idea that when prices rise during a contract, the customer can opt out.


About Glowpower Electricity​

Glowpower is an electricity supplier, which has operated in the Irish market since November 2019. Their goal is to eliminate bill shock and make your energy more affordable, sustainable and smarter.

That's a complete farce!

They haven't read our meter once since we switched last September, each bill has been between €125 and €135, until last month when it was €225. Back to €125 again this month.
I hate having to email with meter readings, thanks for the ESB networks link @horusd.
I also hate monthly billing, having been used to two-monthly for so long.
I am also with Glowpower since last summer and very unhappy with their service, particularly the estimated billing. These are always overestimated and bear no resemblance to the actual readings from the same month last year. It is very annoying to have to read the meter and email the readings every month to prevent being seriously over-charged. No actual meter readings since I joined them in May 2020.
What does the contract say?

I had a vague idea that when prices rise during a contract, the customer can opt out.


This is in their contract:

5. Your rates asset out in the CAF, are against Glowpower’sstandard tariff rates which can be found
at Our Standard rates may be amended from time to time during the Term.

However, the next line is this:

6. Your rates as outlined in your agreement will be applied from the date that Glowpower is
registered as your supplier and will continue for a period of one (1) calendar year from that date

Edit: I read to the end (always a good idea)

9. We reserve the right to amend the unit rates or charges that apply to the Tariff during the Term
as provided for in the General Terms &Conditions.

Fairly clear they can do what they want.

The breakout fee is €50, I reckon I'll save about €35 a month off their new rates by moving to Bord Gais Energy, who don't feature in the suggestions when I checked there but their website have the lowest rates.

I'm looking forward to dealing with professionals after these guys ;)
Fairly clear they can do what they want.

Hi Mrs V

It's not clear to me that they can increase your rates.

These terms seem to conflict with each other and, as a consumer, you should get the benefit of any doubt.

This is clear and it is what one would reasonably expect from a one year contract.

6. Your rates as outlined in your agreement will be applied from the date that Glowpower is
registered as your supplier and will continue for a period of one (1) calendar year from that date

I think you should refer it to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission. They are pretty useless, but you might be lucky and someone in there might take it up.

You could also go to the Small Claims Court and I am sure you would win.

When Glowpower over estimates your bill and debits your account with the over estimated amount. How do you get this back?

On month two they overestimate your account.... and again they debit your account with the overestimated amount. They now have a build up of your money.

If I send in the correct reading on month three......does this balance itself out?
I am with Glowpower. As a result of this thread I decided to check up on my contract with them. Last February I joined on a rate of .1203 before VAT.

I decided to check my current bill and I find I am being charged .1420 before VAT. I was never notified of this increase despite them stating that I am supposed to receive 30 days notice.

Next month it goes up again to .1829 (I did receive a notice about this).

That's a pretty hefty increase over 6 months.

I joined through
I have checked back through my correspondence from Glowpower and I did not receive any notification from them to say that my charges would be increasing last June. I have every communication from them to date in my inbox.

They are insisting that they notified me 30 days in advance.

Has anyone else had a price increase from them without notification?