Current cleric report spiked?

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There is a general feeling in certain circles that Diarmid Martin's job in Ireland is done and he is now in line for a new job in Rome. His nickname, in church circles, is Martin De Tours because of his fondness for travel. He was appointed to oversee these investigations and then move on to better things. Wait and See

I don't have a problem with that as long as the abuse victims are happy with the job he did while he was here.
Question: If there was a referendum to take all state run (but church owned) schools into state ownership and remove the Catholic church completely from their management function (basically get them out of our primary and secondary school system) would posters support or oppose it?
Question: If there was a referendum to take all state run (but church owned) schools into state ownership and remove the Catholic church completely from their management function (basically get them out of our primary and secondary school system) would posters support or oppose it?

Not sure to be honest. Would need to know more about the various pros and cons. Offhand, I would be supportive. I think single religion schools are too insular. If people want to bring their Children up in a certain religion and be taught about that religion, they should bring back Sunday School.
Would vote in favour of total separation of church & state in a referendum.

As regards property, would you have to effectively CPO them?, you cant just "snatch" property, and remember its church property.

Maybe the state has some equity since it, presumably, paid for the buildings on the land, and certainly the upkeep.
Question: If there was a referendum to take all state run (but church owned) schools into state ownership and remove the Catholic church completely from their management function (basically get them out of our primary and secondary school system) would posters support or oppose it?

I would vote yes. If there were any issues with owership of land/schools and the church wanted compensation then that would have to be counter acted by laws etc... But I reckon it would be complicated.

My sister sends her kids to an "educate together" school. The children are thought about all religions in an educational way and they are not indoctrinated into anyone faith the way I was when I was going to school.
That would be a model I would prefer but obviously this would take a lot of planning and preparation. Not something any government in the history of the state was good at.

Just as a question to any parent here of kids in primary school.... Do kids still pray in school?
I am 40 this month and I left primary school in 1981 and all we seemed to do was pray. It wasn't a school run by brothers and nuns but obviously had a catholic board of management and ethos.
We prayed at the start of the day, said the Angleus at noon, prayed before lunch, prayed after lunch and prayed before going home. If someone was sick we prayed for them. The teacher questioned us from time to time so see if we prayed before we went to bed and told us only animals in the jungle didn't so we were no better than animals if we didn't. I have since found out that our teacher then (we had him from infants to confirmation class) was a member of the Knights of Colombanus so I may have been unlucky as my sisters who went to a convent didn't do as much prayer as we did. The teacher regulary spoke in absolute awe of the catholic church, so much so that when I left and went into secondary school I was shocked when we didn't pary. I was completely brainwashed as an 11/12 year old kid. I fully expected to go to hell for being a sinner.

We had this female teacher in secondary school who was present one day when the Bishop was visiting and "welcoming" us to our new school. He put out his hand for her to kiss his ring but instead she grabbed his hand and shook it. After he left she turned to us and said "Did you see that <> trying to get me to kiss his ring?"... I was in shock for weeks, convinced she was going to burn!
Isn't it terribly sad that a man who would preach morals does not have any.
Very well put Bronte..
Most of them make me sick,so I am biased on this issue anyway.
Isn't it terribly sad that a man who would preach morals does not have any.

Cardinal Brady said:

"With many others who worked regularly with children in 1975, I regret that our understanding of the full impact of abuse on the lives of children as well as the pathology and on-going risk posed by a determined paedophile was so inadequate. "

Speaks for itself.
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It does speak for itself in that nobody knew better than the Church the nature of paedophila. They are the actual experts on it. They held a kangaroo cannon court and decided what to do with Smyth, their decision as with others was to move him on. The court only came about because it came to the attention of the boys father. And how clever they were to not allow the father attend his own 14 year old child's court case. And what power and deference they got from the dad as he actually complied with them. Such an abuse of power as beggers belief.

And well done to the BBC and McIntyre in particular. How come RTE doesn't do such programmes. Oh yes, they cannot now they have been silenced by the errors they made recently. Wonder was it an error or a very clever trap.
Cardinal Brady said:

"With many others who worked regularly with children in 1975, I regret that our understanding of the full impact of abuse on the lives of children as well as the pathology and on-going risk posed by a determined paedophile was so inadequate. "

Speaks for itself.

I'm flummuxed at this. I should think it would be pretty easy for the Cardinal to imagine how he would have been impacted had he himself been abused in this way :mad:
What I don't understand is how any adult in any century could sit in a room and listen to that story from a 14 year old boy, hear him warn about others in danger and then just forget about it once the story was passed on without ensuring that the information was acted on. I wouldnt be able to sleep until i was sure the children were safe. It's sick. He is sick. The church is sick. Time for all these people to retire in shame.
What I don't understand is how any adult in any century could sit in a room and listen to that story from a 14 year old boy, hear him warn about others in danger and then just forget about it once the story was passed on without ensuring that the information was acted on. I wouldnt be able to sleep until i was sure the children were safe. It's sick. He is sick. The church is sick. Time for all these people to retire in shame.

I've said it all means go to church, but stop putting money in the collection basket. Rome will stand up and notice then.
As was stated previously the RC Church only recognises Canon Law, they are a 5th column in this state.

I was only the notary sounds very like I was only obeying orders.
Obeying orders or not.

The man was a priest .... he should have acted upon good moral conscience.

I have no time for priests .... they are all a pack of ......

(An aside .... I know of a parish priest who told a woman in her 80's to stay at home from morning mass .... why? ............. wait for it .... because she was praying too loudly. She is obeying him. She's staying at home.)
According to this mornings press and news reports Brady wants to resign but the Vatican are refusing is request.
If a cardinal resigns then the story goes around the world. Right now it is limited to just Ireland (north and south).

Self interest shines through once again.

As an aside and slightly off topic... Does anyone think there could be a falling out between the Catholic Church in Ireland and the vatican? I have noticed more and more priests coming out lately and speaking their minds against the Vatican and the hierarchy.
While it wouldnt affect me as a non believer, I would enjoy seeing it happen.
as far as i know he is due to officially retire in just two years anyway, so its unlikely the vatican will accept he resignation now.
Obeying orders or not.

The man was a priest .... he should have acted upon good moral conscience.

I have no time for priests .... they are all a pack of ......

(An aside .... I know of a parish priest who told a woman in her 80's to stay at home from morning mass .... why? ............. wait for it .... because she was praying too loudly. She is obeying him. She's staying at home.)

I thinks its very unfair to say that priests are all a pack of.......

I know many decent priests who work very hard but find themselves tarred with the same brush as these child abusers.
I thinks its very unfair to say that priests are all a pack of.......

I know many decent priests who work very hard but find themselves tarred with the same brush as these child abusers.

I agree with you in that I have met priests who appear to be decent, fair, hardworking and trustworthy. seems that catholic priests have a devotion to the Vatican/canon law/their own heirarchy which comes before what we would expect morally and that can't be right.
I agree with you in that I have met priests who appear to be decent, fair, hardworking and trustworthy. seems that catholic priests have a devotion to the Vatican/canon law/their own heirarchy which comes before what we would expect morally and that can't be right.

That's the thing for me too...what did the "good" priests do when all this came out?
I heard Pat Kenny say that the questioning of the young boy about the abuse,could mean that the church hadn't a clue about the effect of the questioning..

I think that the questions asked of that young boy,showed a complete and utter disregard for the child,it showed how arrogant they were.

Who in their right mind,would want to be a member of any group that have these people in it?
I dont buy the argument that people remain in the catholic church so they can change things,the most effective way to change the church is to stop giving them money,money that is used to support these people..eww they really make my blood boil..