Children being invited to weddings

I am somewhat bemused by the responses. Paraphrasing :

  • Weddings are where adults get locked and thus they are unsuitable events for children
  • The morning after being locked, the adults will be as sick as small hospitals and thus unable to discharge their parental duties, therefore children shouldn't attend weddings
  • Weddings are for families, thus kids must go
  • If I get a wedding invitation, I can interpret the invitation any way I like
  • People need invitations to go to a church
and amidst the madness, some sanity "The day is the bride and groom's they can share it with whomsoever they choose".

With the Tiger dead and buried, I suppose its time to revert to the stereotypical drunken Irish wedding, but as we're much more grown up now, we'll leave little Mortimer and Mortitia with the au pair and go out and get wrecked - or we'll bring them all and get wrecked together!

Ah well, God is good.
What is with these people! If I had kids and was invited to a wedding I can imagine I would be only too happy to have the day off, just hubby and me, and get the kids minded. Now perhapys I will be proven wrong when I do have kids (god willing) but I certainly can't see the logic in that scenario at the moment. I have been to many family events with parents and kids and more often then not the parents are run ragged and fairly stressed trying to keep an eye on the little ones while also trying to socialise with the adults.
If the bride and groom want them, OK. After all it's their day.
Had the same problem ourselves. a few of my wifes relations were "highly insulted" that their kid were not invited ,these people would need to cop on and join the real world rather than thinking they have to live up to this b*llsh1t VIP/HELLO Mag image they set for themselves. The resession will sort a lot of these people out ,when all the BS and SUV's is stripped away it will be the ordinary people who respect their family and friends that will still be happy!
My colleague is still taking umbrage and threatening not to go to the wedding at all.

Unbelievable. It's entirely the decision of the couple getting married and she should respect that. A lot of people with children think the world revolves around them and the children should be included in everything. Not so. I was at a wedding recently where no children were invited. From my own personal experience, I would much prefer it.
I have noticed that all the children I have seen at all the weddings I have attended have just been self centred, ill mannered free loaders who even have the cheek not to bring a gift!
And in most cases the parents condone this!!
Until as a family group ,they cop themselves on,they should be banned from any opportunity to get away with this.
Sending out a present list to the kids might sort this out.
I have noticed that all the children I have seen at all the weddings I have attended have just been self centred, ill mannered free loaders who even have the cheek not to bring a gift!
And in most cases the parents condone this!!
Until as a family group ,they cop themselves on,they should be banned from any opportunity to get away with this.
Sending out a present list to the kids might sort this out.

Liaconn, just curious to hear if you've passed on the comments from here to your colleague?!
No I haven't as I don't want her to know I was posting about her. I would love to send it to her anonymously but either she'd guess it was me or some innocent colleague would get the blame.

I'm not sure it would get through anyway. She is completley wrapped up in her family and thinks that nothing and nobody else matters. She even made a comment in front of me and a couple of other colleagues without kids the other day, about how something in work had really upset her years ago because 'when you don't have children work is the main thing in your life isn't it?'.
She is completley wrapped up in her family and thinks that nothing and nobody else matters. She even made a comment in front of me and a couple of other colleagues without kids the other day, about how something in work had really upset her years ago because 'when you don't have children work is the main thing in your life isn't it?'.

Gawd, I have a friend who has gone like that. Since she gave birth *over 3 years ago* her only line of conversation is her child, if anyone moves onto a different subject she interrupts and starts going on about her child again, it can last hours. Even when told (in a joking manner) about how we are not allowed talk about the kids anymore (this can only be said by other people with kids) - she goes into a huff and has nothing else to say. Its like her only life is her child, she has no other interest in anything or anyone else and the poor child is being mothered to death. I bet if she saw this thread she'd be DISGUSTED that people think you shouldnt bring your children to weddings!!!
I have an old schoolfriend like that. She lives abroad now and when she comes home and gets in touch there's no 'so how have you been, what's been going on' , she just launches into how Katie* is wrecked after the flight, how she took her to the park today, how she's just going to bed now etc etc etc. I sometimes wonder if I told her I had six months to live would she just go mmmm and then start telling me about something cute Katie had said that day. I really like kids but, to be honest, there's only so much interest you can take in children that aren't directly related to you. I'm sure most people feel the same, so why can't some people realise this?

* Names have been changed to protect the underage.
I really like kids but, to be honest, there's only so much interest you can take in children that aren't directly related to you. I'm sure most people feel the same, so why can't some people realise this

My sentiments entirely!! I have endured too many evenings with women when their sole conversation centred around the products of their reproductive system; it drives me cracked and in my opinion, men don't do this.
In the early 80's when my children were very young, the place where I worked had a draconian supervisor and she forbade all conversations about husbands and children!!!
We thought it awful at the time but boy was she right as the place was full of competitive women who, when she wasn't around, would try besting one another with tales of their offspring or appendages!!!
If most people are honest , other people's children can bore you to death!!

Maybe this should be compulsory reading for some women!!

[broken link removed]
I really like kids but, to be honest, there's only so much interest you can take in children that aren't directly related to you.

I agree - although quite frankly when someone obsesses on one subject and only one subject then its hard to take no matter what the subject matter is. In the case of my friend it happens to be her child, but Id feel the same way if she was constantly obsessed about her dog or her job or anything - its not healthy for someone to be so inanely wrapped in just one particular subject that they cannot talk about anything else. Its particularly not healthy when that one subject is another human being. No one should be so wrapped up in someone else that they cant think about anything else at all.

What causes it? Is it that they dont get out anymore? Ive other friends with kids who dont obsess on them like that.
In my friend's case I think its the fact that she's living abroad with no family around and has had to give up work due to health problems. So in fairness she probably doesn't have a lot going on.

However, there is also an 'us mums' smuggie type who just enjoys behaving as if they belong to a special club and like to make people without kids feel excluded or a non-person. My 'friend' at work is one of those!
In fairness now, it's not just women who can talk about nothing but their children. There's a man at my work who actually turns his head and stares into the distance if the subject is taken off him/his wife/his children. We have turned it into a game to see how long he lasts before he says "my little ones...."
She even made a comment in front of me and a couple of other colleagues without kids the other day, about how something in work had really upset her years ago because 'when you don't have children work is the main thing in your life isn't it?'.
Oh yes, I know the type, I have worked with them too. I hope that the people who invited her to the wedding realise the sacrifice she is making by attending...:rolleyes:
Well, we got married last week and had a wonderful child-free wedding. Even parents who initially objected to our strict no children rule commented how much fun they've had and how they were able to let their hair down because kids were left at home with grannies.
Well, we got married last week and had a wonderful child-free wedding. Even parents who initially objected to our strict no children rule commented how much fun they've had and how they were able to let their hair down because kids were left at home with grannies.

There ye go - that settles it then. Thread closed. ;)

Congratulations Yachtie!