Changing Broadband & Phone Provider from eir


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My eir broadband and phone contract ends in 30 days time. Eie has advised that when switching provider there is no need for a 30 day notification and to contact them on the day the contract is up and give the UAM number to the new provider. Does anyone know the correct procedure to switch from eir to another provider?
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Don't believe anything a person from eir tells you until you ring a second time and ask a different representative the same question and you get the same answer. There is not one other Irish company of its size or stature with a worse reputation for customer service at present. It is a terrible indictment to say that they simply cannot be trusted to follow through on any advice they give.

I would also give the 30 day notice regardless of what any of them say.
I was diligent enough to make note and call for the 30 day notice but was advised that it was better to call back when the contract was up and then do the switch. As customers do this on a regular basis, surely there is some guidance around the correct procedure.
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Hi Logo,

According to eir home page here, you do need to give them 30 days notice. TallPaul is correct in this assessment of Eir customer support - they are very poor at the best of times.

Also, the new provider you are moving to, will have details on what they require and when. Again, check their web site and when you've read their T&Cs, give them a call to switch.
Thanks but that link says -
  • You are obliged under the terms of your contract with eir to provide 30 days' notice of your intention to switch service provider.
  • Customers who switch service provider without giving eir 30 days' notice of their intention to switch will not be charged a penalty fee
Yes, no penalty fee (as that should only apply for early contract break), but at the end of your contract, you ring them and tell them that you are switching provider - they MAY come back and say that they need 30 days notice from the date of the notification and that they need it in writing, etc and you'll be charged, from that day, for 30+days usage of their service.
they MAY come back and say that they need 30 days notice from the date of the notification and that they need it in writing, etc and you'll be charged, from that day, for 30+days usage of their service. [/QUOTE}

So they might charge me extra fees or they might not.
Does anyone on AAM have experience of switching from eir to another provider?
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It's not "extra" per se - they'll see it as "you used our service from the date of notice received plus the 30days" - best to get the letter into them as soon as possible and go through everything within their web page.

When you talk to them, I'd recommend stating to the Eir "helpdesk" person that you are recording the conversation, and request their name and note the date/time of the call (and take notes if you aren't recording it from your phone). It might all go super smooth but then again...

Best of luck with the switch!
I've been through this with Eir twice in the past. Give them the 30 days notice either by email or web chat, get them to acknowledge the request, and save the mail / chat transcript for future reference. I would avoid calling them, you are better with a written record. Otherwise as suggested above chances are they will charge you an extra 30 days. I found the Eir broadband service excellent, but their customer service and switching process is atrocious.
Fair play to you if you were able to get a written reply from Eir. To date, I rang them and was promised an email which didn't happen. I've emailed and so far I'm waiting for a web chat reply for the last hour. So now I have to rely on the trustworthiness of a customer service member and their website - "Customers who switch service provider without giving eir 30 days' notice of their intention to switch will not be charged a penalty fee".
Honestly I can't believe that customers can be held to ransom by Ireland's biggest telecommunications company without regulation.

Update: Eventually got through to web chat and told that cancellation can only be done Mon-Fri.
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Did anyone get a reply or feedback from Eir on this issue?

I seem to be on a similar boat - called Eir twice to confirm my last day of contract, then after that date called a different provider to switch. Still got hit with an Early Cancellation Charge

Web support or weekend phone support say they can't do much, and that I have to call phone support during the week. Which I did, waiting for 30m until I got "we are currently experiencing difficulties connecting calls to our customer service representatives" and then the call ended. forums were closed mysteriously 2 weeks ago so no help there either.
Try mailing ccm @ eir . ie (Customer Care, remove the spaces obviously, I can't post addresses). Provide as many details as possible. If that doesn't work out it just takes a few minutes to log a complaint on the Comreg website. Then include Comreg and your Comreg complaint number in further mails to Eir. This has worked for me in the past.
Have just moved from Eir after a nightmare of a 1 year contract and now have no landline for the last 2 days due to yet another cock-up (I am not a lover of mobile only). I'm surprised that i even have broadband.

The new provider will need your Eir UAN which is on the top of your bill. However there is a second UAN required by the new provider which is not displayed on your bill and Eir don't seem to know what you're
talking about when you request this. Recent changes require a UAN for phone and a second UAN for broadband.
However there is a second UAN required by the new provider which is not displayed on your bill and Eir don't seem to know what you're talking about when you request this.
So how did you find the second UAN and who did you switch to? BTW, I'm about to switch to Pure Telecom.
Agree with assessment of Eir’s customer service. Complained to them in 2013 and progressed complaint to Comreg. Eir then disconnected service and sent a bill for termination of contract. Didn’t panic as Comreg said to await their adjudication on complaint.

Didn’t hear anything from 2013 until start of 2018-when Eir’s debt collector wrote claiming they had ‘bought’ the debt!

When we queried with Comreg and Eir - they advised after many months that they had no records on matter as they destroy such records per data management after 2 years!

Long story short - Eir then claimed to Comreg that they were ‘waiving’ the fee.. we argued cannot waive fee for a charge that was never payable!

We did have emails from 2013 to both .., any advice ...
My Eir contract ended today. I called 1901 to switch to another provider. I was advised that the estimated waiting time was 30 minutes. Following that I was told that the Eir call centre was closed and the call was disconnected. I just want to switch to another provider. Can I enter another contract with new provider without contacting Eir?
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