Broomhall Developments - Rathnew, Co.Wicklow..?

Lyons9, I dont believe it!We havent heard that yet!is shay going to get back to you and let you know?did he say how much of a delay is expected?
CarrieB ,

I spoke to site office today and they reckon I will be waiting another two
weeks before I get to snag .
They should have a better idea of dates for me by the end of the week or
so they tell me !
We have been told today it looks like it will be October for the next phase
We moved in last week as we were in the first 60.My 2 friends are in the 2nd lot and have been told anywhere between september and november for their houses to be ready.they're not very happy needless to say!
I have heard people were snagging here two weeks ago in the row of houses facing the football field. Is there anybody here in one of those houses. How did you get on?? When do you expect to close??
hi craigB,my friends are in the first lot facing the football pitch and then snagged a week and a half ago and are due to do their resnag this saturday.
my other friend who is behind them has been told January now!!she's not happy to say the least!
Saunders Lane - i`m in around the green in Saunders lane and we were advised back in August we`d be in ,in November, so put our current house up for sale, and got sale agreed. Now I have been told March...So wouldn`t hold my breathe what they tell anyone..Solicitor checked the contracts as developers have to give a timeline for completion, usually 18months but in this instance Broomhall Dev have a 3 year completion date..Joke.. I put deposit on this in oct 05!!

To be fair they are good builders as I live in their previous development..

Anybody in Saunders Lane / Wilton Manor or the Wicklow area that has a number for somebody to put down some attic flooring? I have been onto John and he has told me the lads that did do them on-site have since moved on, so i am looking for a number somebody might have used.

Just looking to get a bit of the attic floored for storage purposes.

Thanks in advance
GWM80 ...are you in yet! why are they taking so long.....

They seem to be concentrating mainly on the new development...
We are in since November, facing the football field and there are still things to be done...

Love it down here though, really have settled in....
did u getsomeone to do flooring?
Just wondering anybody in Wilton Manor or Saunders Lane get anything done about the noise of the pump from the tank in the attic when you turn on the taps.
The pump kicks in and is very load and just looking to see if anybody knows if there is a cover that can be got to make it quiter or silent or if anybody has done anything else?
