"Bad Parking" car stickers

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Does this look like a perfectly fit young woman to you?
Re: Bad Parking

not sure we should make an exception for her - we'd just be encouraging this.

Our local dart staion has about 5 disabled parking bays. By 8am theres not a chance of getting a spot and at this stage people start using the disabled bays. I think this is terrible and it occurs every day. I honestly dont know how people do it. Just pure laziness and disragrd.

Sorry just to add - its €80 fixed penalty charge for parking in a Disabled spot. Issued by Guard or Traffic Warden. There's also a fixed fine of €40 for Obstructing a Driveway (OP, I know said laneway but maybe there is something further)

The RSA site has a whole load of parking fines regulation listed in their Rules of the road manual
Re: Bad Parking

I'm not condoning it, but if every available space is used up and there are 5 disabled spaces left as the only alternative, you can understand the ineveitable temptation to use it.
Re: Bad Parking

I'm not condoning it, but if every available space is used up and there are 5 disabled spaces left as the only alternative, you can understand the ineveitable temptation to use it.

I would have agreed with you a few years ago, but now that I can see how important it is for my father to be able to park as close as possible to shops, the Church etc I would just never park in a disabled space, not even to run into a shop for a few minutes. They really are a lifeline to some people and are the difference between being able to get out and about or being stuck at home.
Re: Bad Parking

Someone I know is a disabled driver and has the usual list of stories about people taking up disabled spaces and refusing to move. Recently, they were waiting for someone to exit a disabled space when a car came from the other direction and swooped in to take the spot. My friend wound down the window and politely pointed out that it was a disabled spot and could they move on - they were met with a charming response of "Go F*** off, I got it etc etc. Then, from behind a bush stepped out the local friendly parking warden, who licked his pen and started writing the ticket to the complete delight of my friend. All of a sudden the lady was all charm and apologies and full of offers to move, the parking warden told her tough luck, you had your chance. So sometimes, the ignorant do get their comeuppance.

BTW, for people who think that there is an excess of disabled parking spots - try hanging out with someone who is disabled for a while and then decide.
Re: Bad Parking

Re: Bad Parking

It's not just the size of the bay, the location, in particularly at shopping centres and the height etc. of nearby kerbing etc. will often be more suited to a disabled person regardless of whether they are in a wheelchair or not. I am sure there are many disabled persons using regular parking spaces when they are in the right place & time.
It is illegal to park a vehicle in a disabled person’s parking bay, the penalty being a fixed charge of €80 if paid within 28 days, rising to €120 thereafter. Enforcement may be carried out by the local authority or by Gardaí, so if you don't see a parking warden around you could try phoning the police.
I would like to say that any of you out there who think it is okay to park in a disabled spot should be absolutely and utterly ashamed of yourselves.

This is why...
Today i brought my disabled daughter to her hospital appointment to a well known childrens hospital.
The drive took 1 hour 30 minutes.
She is a bad traveller, vomits frequently.
We arrived and i tried to find a disabled spot , there were 4 , and each one had a car parked in each and NOT ONE HAD A DISABLED PARKING PERMIT.

I drove around ,up , down, all over and couldnt even find a normal car parking space to get into.
For 55 minutes i searched high and low, and in this space of time not one of the illegally parked cars moved.

after 55 minutes and a seriously distressed child vomiting 4 times and screaming, i turned around and began our 1 hr 30 minute drive home, as i had missed her appointment , despite being there 30 minutes early.

so now , i have to wait SIX MONTHS to get another appointment for my daughter.

And to all the smart alecs who want to jump in and tell me why didnt i do this ?? or that??? SPARE ME !!

What would you have done ?? how angered would you have felt??? Would you have driven around longer with the child in that state??

I would only love to high light these despicable people with their registration numbers, but in all honesty do they , or anyone else even care????
Where were the clampers?

My daughter has to suffer at the hands of these horrible people.
I would like to say that any of you out there who think it is okay to park in a disabled spot should be absolutely and utterly ashamed of yourselves.

If I were in your situation I would have no problem double parking behind those people parked in the disabled spot.
If I were in your situation I would have no problem double parking behind those people parked in the disabled spot.

Agreed. Wicklowlass you shouldn't become a victim to these people for something as important as your daughter's hospital appointment. Certain situations would (at least in my book) dictate that you have to get thick with these people rather than become a victim to their actions. Is there any chance you could explain the situation to the hospital and get them to reschedule it for this or next week (or at least a lot sooner than 6 months)?
A neighbour of mine has gone on holidays for two weeks now and parked her car outside my house despite having a parking space outside her own house? Does she think I am going to mind it for her or something?
Re: Bad Parking

There are a variety of disabilities that qualify someone for a disabled parking permit, the bays are bigger to allow for wheelchair access but the use of a wheelchair is not the only disability that someone may have. And some disabilites are invisible to the casual observer therefore there is no way of telling what impact it has on the persons life. The existance of disabled parking bays in city centres is to allow someone who may for example only have a very short tolerance to travel or being off a ventilator not have to search for a parking space and worsen their condition.

Anyone who parks in a disabled space without a permit is pretty despicable, there are there for a reason.

And anyone who thinks there are too many of them available, Id suggest that you offer to ferry a disabled person about for a few days and see how you feel about it then. My mother was in a wheelchair for the last years of her life and the shortage of disabled parking spaces was blindingly obvious to me once I had no choice but to use them.
If I were in your situation I would have no problem double parking behind those people parked in the disabled spot.
double parking was not an option , as the spaces were parallell, and to double park would mean leaving my car on a main road blocking the whole road .
Of course its terrible to arrive at a hospital with a child in a bad way and not be able to use the disabled spot, but what if the four cars using them also had children that needed urgent help but just weren't disabled should they drive round and round. I would have double parked too.

Why would I ferry people about because I have an opinion that differs slightly to yours? If I was to complain about how rude some shop assistants are should I walk in their shoes too etc? Its about what I see every day as a road user without disablity. I thinjk there are enough in the city centre(Limerick) without doubling them. I see the point of them in shopping centres etc but when they are scattered around a city they lose some of their validity in my eyes. My reasoning isn't from some hatred or misunderstanding of those with disability only that the level of drivers without disability (in Limerick) far outnumbers those with disability. If the number of disabled spaces doubles in makes no sense when you look at the proportions.
Its a logical argument not a moral one.

But if like my situation , you have able bodied people using disabled parking bays, why would more spaces becoming available be a problem for you ??
There are currently 10,000 disabled parking permits in circulation at the moment, and if the population in ireland is around 4,000,000 , then that 1 in 400. How can anyone assume that out of car park of 400 spaces , the likely hood is that only one DISABLED person will be looking for a spot??

Doesnt make sense. No more than it makes sense that out out of 400 able bodied spots, will only 400 people need them .

There will ver be enough parking , and certainly never enough disabled parking, especially when there are perfectly able bodied people basically saying f u to all disabled people by taking there bloody parking spots!!!

Also , in at town like wicklow with a population of 12000 people , there are 3 main street parking spots. THREE ! by my calulations , if 1 in 400 hold a permit then wouldnt the town require at least 30 DISABLED SPOTS??

Then what about limerick with a greater population?? you want parking for yourself ,but for no body else.
Yeah but...

Called them perhaps?
yeah clubman, i had the time to go look up a number for the clampers and drive up and down with a screaming vomiting child . Maybe you should stand back and look at the issue at hand and not the smart alec comments you can throw in.
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