Anyone going on Joe Duffy should get media training as they will be devoured by media savvy Joe

Some people on here make me laugh, how much did you boys spend on your car eh! And how much to drive it down to Maxol for the Bainne.
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Leper you went to see Eddie Hobbs ! Was it great craic? He’s a good performer.

I saw Eddie in action twice. He is media trained and perhaps tread the boards in a previous life? His presentation was slick and his timing was perfect. He knew what he wanted to achieve and it appeared to me he did. After the performance he had people looking for his services, not the other way round.

The audience was just as interesting with several I knew hiding faces as much as possible. Some were hiding behind anything they could. Eddie Hobbs was brilliant and played the audience from start to finish. His preparation was terrific and his delivery just as good. He was clear and knew the importance of pause, suggestion and eye contact. His body language was spot on and I reckon he is a natural performer. He doesn't need to even think about performing now.

If anybody doesn't believe in media training just read my two preceding paragraphs.

Joe wouldn't have tied Eddie up in knots if Eddie consented to be interviewed. Neither would Eddie walk into an ambush laid for a bank.

(I say the foregoing without any malice or criticism to anybody on this forum)
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I saw Eddie in action twice. He is media trained and perhaps tread the boards in a previous life?

Joe wouldn't have tied Eddie up in knots if Eddie consented to be interviewed. Neither would Eddie walk into an ambush laid for a bank.
Eddie trained as an insurance salesman, I guess that is similar to "the boards".
Yes, Eddie would be a match for Joe. He would manage to smuggle an AK7 up his jersey.
I learnt this lesson years ago where street-cred can outdo 3rd Level Education at times.
is that not the case for alot of irish society though, street cred and emotionality count for much more than facts and figures, David McSavage did a funny scit on that in the savage eye. The irish media then grossly exaggerates that phenomenon as in The joe duffy show
Telll us more about the machine. I’m genuinely interested and in the market for a “bean to cup” one to replace my existing Nespresso one.
My tuppence re coffee machines (should probably be a separate thread!) It depends on how particular you are about your coffee, and how much time you're willing to invest in messing about with settings to make the perfect coffee. And how long you want to spend making each coffee!

If the Nespresso machine makes coffee to your liking, I'd start with an automatic Bean to Cup machine, something like the De'Longhi ones (Dinamica or Magnifica for example). You fill the hopper with beans, press a button, and coffee comes out. The biggest complaint would be that they don't make coffee strong enough, but it'd match any of the pod machines in my opinion.

Next step up from that would be a semi-automatic like the Sage Barista Pro. This is a stepping stone into 'proper' barista style espresso - you grind the coffee, tamp it into the filter, and make your espresso. The coffee will be much better, but without going full scale barista.

If you fancy yourself as a home barista, and willing to spend the time adjusting grind settings, pressure, and temperature, then by all means spend a fortune on one. But I'd start with one of the above before deciding to spend huge amount when you learn more. If you get really serious about it, you should probably be looking at separate grinder and coffee machine setup, as the stand alone grinders will be much higher quality.

Unfortunately there aren't many great offers at the moment as they're in high demand with people working from home.
While we are on this subject anyone advise me on an Orange Juice squeezer. We have fresh everyday except the weekends. But it's a pain to press them on an electic Phillips type thing. Hurts the hand to hold the half oranges. I bought a Solis, cost €350 last year, it had a lever, but the OJ turned out brown as the squeeze part was metal. Brought it right back to the shop and noticed last week they have one repackaged with a €10 off which I'm convinced must be the one I returned. I want nothing complicated, just for oranges and nothing else.
We have the same kind of juicer as you. We had another complicated machine but there were so many parts it was hardly worth using because we had to wash/clean all these parts after each use. We have found that the "Philips" type is as good as what's around.

Incidentally, if you ever go to Spain you can buy a sack full of unwaxed oranges for about €2.00 in most markets and you can squeeze them to your heart's content for a week. Probably the best value of any citrus when we are all allowed to travel again.
Sorry, Brendan. I'm only trying to help. The truth is king. Present it well, Deliver it and not even Donald J ("for genius") Trump can argue with it.

No, but it doesnt take Trump like skills to ignore the truth and raise some other emotive point.

I seem to remember that Michael McDowell told Joe something along the lines of 'I am paid to think, you are paid to emote'

It is not truth nor indeed media skills that succeed in the media, its being in tune with the popular narrative. Banks are greedy, politicians are only self-interested, old people can do nothing for themselves, the poor, ill etc have no voice, the church is to blame. Many of these things are true in many instances but when they are not it is impossible to defeat these narratives in the short term.
Lots of contributions have been made to this thread since it was removed from the thread "Life Loans are Back." Like every thread some contributions have been good, others are not. I'm not the judge who is posting well and who is not. It's up to the reader to make that call. The title of this thread is not mine even though the first post was. I suggest the title should be changed to "Media Training can be Necessary for professional people participating on popular media." The title as it stands appears to suggest Joe Duffy is about to devour those who cannot anticipate an ambush. It's the people who walk into an ambush and lack articulation to clearly express what they want to say get themselves devoured. Once again Joe Duffy is being set up as some kind of victim. (He couldn't have wished for better and on BB's forum too!). In three words:- Another Own Goal!

Let's for a moment look at this from the opposite point of view i.e. media training is not necessary for professionals participating on popular media. If you agree with that statement you have well informed professionals talking publicly with media trained experienced professionals and the back-up team. As they say in rugby circles you have an immediate mismatch - fatal to the personality of the interviewee and easy cannon fodder for the interviewer. Don't get confused with the interviewee who is in his/her mid 80's and still playing squash because here no media training is necessary and it's a feelgood human interest story. Interviewee and Interviewer win and the listeners get a happy feeling too. Win/Win/Win.

Provincial rugby coaches have media interviews down to a workable art "The Positives we take from the game . . . The Negatives we take from the game . . . " Jim Gavin (former Dublin Bainisteoir) was excellent too and he could talk for ten minutes and say as little as needed and still keep the viewers and interviewers satisfied. Did Jim score any own goals? No! and the undertone for the future = buy my book when it'll be launched before Christmas on . . . No interviewer ever ambushed him; in fact if any ambush was launched, it was Jim's and it never looked like an ambush.
Am I the only one who finds the title of this thread insulting? There are many of us who tune in to his show and who are logged in to Boards at the same time for entertainment purposes only. Yes we are helping the listenership figures for his show but listening to his constant cock ups, rants, petulance, and his constant talking about death and misery is worth a laugh.

When he is away on holiday and we have someone stand in for him we can see what Liveline is supposed to be about. I for one would love to see the back of him.
When we were in Spain we didn't have any problem my DH popped into the Supermarcado every day and got it direct for our breakfast. Top quality stuff. We sometimes bring the Phillips with us. I agree with you that all the fiddly bits I do not want. Nowadays wherever we go they have very intricate coffee machines, they drive me to despair, my DH and I can barely figure them out. Between where does the pod go, how do you put water in, which button gives you a decent cup. I don't drink the stuff. Luckily he likes the instant so that's another problem solved. €2 wow that's cheap. But if you can spend 3.5 on a coffee machine why don't you buy the OJ without the work.

PS I don't think you should have told us about the coffee machine. You'll never live it down on here.
I think the savage eye skit of joe Duffy getting off on the misery of the people phoning in was funny. There is alot more truth to it now with RTE in general now gorging on all this misery and covid stuff. I looked at twitter reactions to the late late show now and they are universal in telling RTE to quit the misery and get back to entertainment.
While drinking a cup of decent coffee made a few minutes ago, I had a light-bulb moment. Back in the day when I was an unpaid union rep. there had been an internal competition for promotion with several successful candidates, none of them members of the union I represented. I queried the results feeling that all our members were better qualified than the other competitors. I was put back in my box quickly when I learned all the successful candidates had received instruction from a professional media instructor over several weeks on how to present oneself at interviews. It ain't necessarily the best candidate gets the job, it's the best performer at the interview.