Affordable Housing-Process/Plans Cork County


Im trying to ring there myself, but no answer. As far as Im aware all the 18 semi's have been allocated as a friend of mine got one. Lucky!! And as you say, there is no comparison in the other 12, and there is so little difference in the price. 240k for the semi's, 220k - 225k for the terraced/end of terrace. But over by the occupied houses, which are the social houses, there is another row of vacant houses, which are lovely. But Im not too sure if they are affordable or social. All the social have been allocated, so Im not too sure why they are vacant....
Hi dylanjohn,

Did you say Greenfields was a few months down the road? That's the only one I have finance for. They are small though, but anything is better than renting. But a few months befor allocating and then a few months with all the legal stuff, it'll be summer before I hopefully are in. Congrats with being in the running for Highfield.
Hey Eystura,

Ya, I was told that Greenfields could be another couple of months, but they seem to be moving along with the allocations so they may not be too much longer. They are rather small, but they're not bad, especially if you got an end of terrace, the ones with the bay windows as they are a bit bigger, and the gardens in those ones are huge. And thanks for the congrats, but Im not gonna be happy until I get an offer! Please god it'll be soon......
So are you going changing your application now or what to be able to afford them?
No, was offered a gift from family to make up the difference of whatever one I could get in Highfields. I only needed 5k more for the terrace, or 10k for the end of terrace. Wud have needed 25k for one of the semi's, but it's too late now anyway to get one of them - unfortunately. What are you hoping to get now that the semi's are gone?
To be honest I dunno I really dnt like the ones in the back I was just thinking there would there be any chance they would 2 bed townhouses they are very small like. What do you think?
No they are 3 beds. I was in them a couple of months ago. They're not bad inside, a bit small alright tho. You prob saw the kitchen & sitting room, and there is a downstairs loo. 3 ok bedrooms, ensuite, and ok bathroom. Shower in the ensuite. I like the patio doors from the kitchen into the garden. Really trying to look at the positives now, cos I might get one of them. Its tough though when I look at the semi's, cos they are just sooooo much nicer.....
I know tell me about but you might have a chance if people decide not to take some of the semi's that can happen. Did you have any look getting through to the council?
Hi Dylanjohn,
I really had my heart set on a semi-d so I dunno what I'd do if got offered one of the back ones. It's so frustrating not knowing how many points did your friend have to get the semi-d
I know, its heartbreaking really, finding out when its too late that I could have actually applied for one of them aswell. My friend had the same points as me, 155 points. Ill still accept one of the back ones, but I would have done anything for one of the others. Id be delighted at this stage if I got one of the ones from that other row as they are lovely aswell.
If someone that's been offered one and turns it down you might be lucky and get one.
I know, its not nice not knowing whats happening. But Id say its gonna be very soon that we'll be hearing back from them. Just waiting on that withheld number to come up on my phone!! But all we can do is wait, nothing else for it.....
Did she give you any indication when you should know. She told me if havent heard anything in a couple of weeks to ring them again.
Na, but she was saying not to panic, that they havent got all the keys yet. I asked if all the semi's were gone and she said she thought so but she doesnt deal with that side of things so she doesnt really know whats available. She said all she gets is a list of names who got allocated to ringthem. But I really think its not gonna be much longer.
Hopefully it wont take much longer anyway. I had a look at those houses last night the row over by the social ones and they are alot nicer then the back ones allright,fingers crossed they are affordable and we might be lucky enough to get offered one of them. I wonder are they the 220k & 225k aswell but it wouldn't really make much sense if they were them same price as the back ones don't you think.
Hi Suzy,

Someone rang me back yesterday to send in a letter confirming my offer of a gift and also my approval was bumped up so I had to send that in aswell. I asked then what was left in Highfields and its only the ones around the back, and also maybe 3 bed duplexes which they havent gotten the keys for yet. So thats that Im afraid......
Hi Dylanjohn,
Dam I was trying to reassure myself with the possibilty that the other row were affordable what do you think you'll do if you get offered one of the back ones?
Ill take it for sure. I know they're not as nice, but there nice on the inside if a bit small. What about you?
I would prefer them to Greenfields Def and I suppose it is nice that they in a cul de sac. So it must be the duplexes they havent got the keys for so hopefully we should hear within the next week or 2 from them.