A rant about professional fees In Ireland.....

I'm loath to resuscitate the whole 'teachers have a cushy number' debate, but this report might be of interest (free registration required).

Like you I am loathe to take part in the cushy number debate and the report does make startling reading. Just to play devils advocate though, how much of the indisipline is down to poor teaching or teacher training. I didn't exactly go to the nicest school in the world and it used to always amaze me what the difference in behaviour of pupils was in different classes with different teachers. Boys who openly abused one teacher wouldn't say boo to another teacher. Seems to me that there are an awful lot of people teaching who are not cut out for the profession (which is not an easy one) which leads to higher stress etc..
The report states that "four in five teachers (83pc) reported what they regarded as unacceptable and calculated idleness or work avoidance."
Can anyone clarify if this was referring to pupils of teachers? :D
The report states that "four in five teachers (83pc) reported what they regarded as unacceptable and calculated idleness or work avoidance."
Can anyone clarify if this was referring to pupils of teachers? :D
