A rant about professional fees In Ireland.....



Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

It doesn't have to be a cartel. Dentists, like doctors always charge what the guy down the road is charging. Some charge more and some charge less, but the average is always expensive.

Exactly. And any of the ones I know seem to spend a lot of their money on expensive foreign holidays, multiple investment properties, yachts etc. Just because foreign dentists do not charge the same as Irish dentists does not mean they are as good. The 80,000 euro BMW or Mercedes in Ireland is no better than the equivalent car abroad, which may cost an awful lot less.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

And any of the ones I know seem to spend a lot of their money on expensive foreign holidays, multiple investment properties, yachts etc.
Oh my God where am I going wrong! I thought it was just barristers, builders, consultants, pub owners, pharmacists etc etc that had these.
Just because foreign dentists do not charge the same as Irish dentists does not mean they are as good.
After a few years working the nhs in england followed by 15 years here my experience is otherwise.
The 80,000 euro BMW or Mercedes in Ireland is no better than the equivalent car abroad, which may cost an awful lot less.
Biffo Cowen may be able to help on this!
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

and accountants !!
am a bit wary of saying this here as there are a quite a few lurking around!
that said, they save me dollars although not enough for the new merc or yacht!
Had 1 hour with tax specialist during the year for 600 euro.
Saved me a multiple of this.
Funny how same argument does not hold for saving one's front tooth for similar money via a root canal?!
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

Why? You were quoted a price in advance. You accepted this price. You availed of this service and paid the agreed price. Perhaps you would have been happier had the dentist wasted your time and his own in unnecessarily delaying you?

Honestly, these replies take the biscuit. It's precisely an attitude like this that justifies RIP_OFF_IRELAND.

Any person providing a service should be paid for his service. This does not mean he/she should be allowed charge extortionate prices, like e1000 per hour.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

Honestly, these replies take the biscuit. It's precisely an attitude like this that justifies RIP_OFF_IRELAND.

May I ask why, exactly?

In the above case, the dentist quoted a price in advance and the patient accepted it. If they had a problem with the price, this should have been expressed before availing of the service on those terms. Its a bit pointless doing so after the event.

ps no need to shout.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

This does not mean he/she should be allowed charge extortionate prices, like e1000 per hour.
Your extorionate is my paying the professional what they are worth to me. In my case I was extremely satisfied paying 600 for an hour with a tax specialist. If you want the best possible root canal you go to an endodontist anywhere (usa, gb, or hungary). You feel that paying 450-700 per hour to save a tooth is extortionate for an endodontist in Dublin. Similar fees would apply in major cities like london or the states. Maybe you could get an endodontist in Poland or Hungary that is US trained but I doubt it.
Do you think tax specialist is rip off also?
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

The point should be made that whether the professional is worth it or not isn't really the issue. Large numbers of people cannot afford these fees and find themselves falling between two stools, i.e. income not low enough to have it done for free but not high enough to be able to afford it. Just because other professionals in other areas are charging extortionate prices doesn't make it ok. It just means we're being ripped off by everyone.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

It just means we're being ripped off by everyone.

Oh dear! Are you sure you mean this? Or is it a little bit of histrionics. I love that word.

Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

It's not pointless complaining after the event.

If a tradesman quotes you a price of e1000 for a job and get's it done in 2 hours, wouldn't you feel it was expensive, regardless of whether you agreed the price in advance?

e750 for a 45 minute procedure is absolutely outrageous. Don't you agree?

Just because any particular industry can charge extortionate fees doesn't mean they are either fair or justified.

(As for shouting? What are you on about?)
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

Do you think tax specialist is rip off also?
@ 600 an hour, thats 24,000 per week for a 40 hour week. Whats so special about his knowledge ? Does he think he is Gods gift to the economy, the arrogant greedy git ?
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

@ 600 an hour, thats 24,000 per week for a 40 hour week. Whats so special about his knowledge ? Does he think he is Gods gift to the economy, the arrogant greedy git ?
Rabbit I take that is a yes?!!
600 for the hour's advice was money well spent for me my wife and kids.
Large numbers of people cannot afford these fees and find themselves falling between two stools, i.e. income not low enough to have it done for free but not high enough to be able to afford it.
Over 80% of the population have state subsidised dental care. Much of this routine care is free and it always mystifies me why more don't avail of this but rather wait for major problems to develop and then have to pay large sums to right the neglect!
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

You'd probably know better than I but I thought they're only entitled to have their teeth cleaned once a year and have a routine dental check. Extractions aren't covered AFAIK and only a percentage paid against fillings. White fillings are not covered and absolutely no cosmetic dentistry.

Oh dear! Are you sure you mean this? Or is it a little bit ot histrionics.

Yes I meant it at the time. I do feel that professionals dealing with the public, not necessarily those employed by large companies, charge extortionate fees for one off transactions usually lasting no longer than an hour! But as you can see, I do look after my teeth.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

twice yearly clean and once yearly check provided no gum disease.
So if one goes every six months and has xrays min of every 2 years and flosses and brush daily and avoid rubbish should be fine at practically no cost. Very hard to need a filling if one flosses daily, but few do!
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

If a tradesman quotes you a price of e1000 for a job and get's it done in 2 hours, wouldn't you feel it was expensive, regardless of whether you agreed the price in advance?
Depends on the job.
e750 for a 45 minute procedure is absolutely outrageous. Don't you agree?
If it's too high then the client/patient is free to decline and go elsewhere. There is no rip off if the price for the services to be rendered is stated clearly up front.
Just because any particular industry can charge extortionate fees doesn't mean they are either fair or justified.
No - but equally there is no rip off if the prices (no matter how high) are clearly stated in advance so that the buyer can decided whether or not s/he is happy to pay.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

That is riduculous, CLUBMAN. You are fully justifying extortion and rip-off prices. Just because somebody agrees a price beforehand does not mean the person is not being ripped off. There is a rip-off if the price quoted is excessive for the goods or services offered.

Ireland is a country of precious little competition, dentists, pharmacists and doctors being prime examples of cartel-like operation where there is no price competition. The Govt is fully complicit in extortion and ripping people off, in areas like Car ROad tax, VRT and areas like out-patients' charges in hospitals. I have a bill for e60 for my child to get his broken arm in plaster. I resent this charge as I pay more than enough taxes to get such a treatment for free. (While drunks, layabouts, gougers, single mothers etc can all get similar treatments for free.) That is ripping me off.

If there was sufficient price competition, sufficient to allow the consumer make a choice based on price, then prices would be more realistic. Unfoirtunately, in Ireland this is not the case. Providers of services like dentistry can charge what they like knowing their old college mates will quote the same prices. That is ripping people off.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

There is some good value for crowns if you shop around Abbey Clinic in Clonshaugh Dublin are doing one crown for €490 two for €750 and three for €1000. Think that goes for veneers as well.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

Why does the Irish government not try and regulate the price of dentists, doctors and other medical practitioners.
Sometimes when I hear of some professional fees the title of Bob Geldofs song "Banana Republic" springs to mind.

I know of one accountancy firm which charged approx 19,000 plus vat , total approx € 23,000 recently, for what should have been no more than a few hours work. It was relatively simple work - valuing a small business whose accounts had already been prepared and paid for by the business.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

Of course large fees are never charged by professional firms in places like London, New York etc, only than Ireland. Yeah, right...

ps if you do even basic research on the subject, you will soon find out that the terms "valuing a business" and "simple" are mutually exclusive.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ?

Of course large fees are never charged by professional firms in places like London, New York etc, only than Ireland. Yeah, right....

I actually was chatting to a few friends from England and America recently, and the fees they pay to dentists, accountants etc are much less than we pay in " rip off Ireland", as Eddie Hobbs calls it. Of course there are those who charge high fees in New York and London, but the average overheads in a small town in Ireland - never mind the level of expertise or experience probably - are not like in the centre of Manhatten or London.

ps if you do even basic research on the subject, you will soon find out that the terms "valuing a business" and "simple" are mutually exclusive.

So you think it should cost € 24,000 to value a very small business, whose accounts were already done by the same firm for many years ( and whose annual accountancy fees are not included in the € 24000 ) ?

Even when they make a ***** of the valuation and the client has to settle for less than half the value claimed ?