24hr petrol station "back in 15mins" 30 mins later no show! Claim consequential loss?

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Registered User
On the 28th Feb I had to get a flight in Dublin airport early 6.15am in the morning.

Going to bed I realised I needed petrol but then thought of the 24hr Topaz station on the outskirts of town. No problem, except when I got there it had a sign on the window "back in 15mins" 30 mins later no show, missed my flight and had to book a flight later that day €260.

I have proof of all flights, and I'm sure cctv at the garage.

It was only when I was telling somebody about this they said that I should see if I could claim off the 24hr station.

any advice welcome
Re: 24hr petrol station

I don't think you have a leg to stand on with the garage in all honestly you can't hold them responsible for your missed flight.
Re: 24hr petrol station

Thanks for the reply..
If they advertise a that they are a 24hr service station, should they not be open 24hrs.
Otherwise I would have made sure I had enough petrol.
Re: 24hr petrol station

i'd say it was your own responsibility to make sure you had petrol to get to the airport.

what if the petrol station had been getting a delivery at the time you got there and you couldn't get petrol until they finished the delivery?

if there was a power cut?

i don't know, maybe there's some precedent out there but i'd be surprised..

good luck anyhow. maybe they'll give you a voucher or something for the inconvenience.
Re: 24hr petrol station

my wife would have nagged with "dont trust that station to be open in the morning or you could regret it" - she's usually right!
Re: 24hr petrol station

fair enough, probably no chance then, it was a real sickner, thanks all for taking the time to reply.
Re: 24hr petrol station

Tesco Petrol station in Maynooth have big signs saying they are open 24hrs, but they are not. This changed just before christmas & they havent changed the signs yet. My mate went there recently at 4 in the morning without knowing this & had to leave the car in the car park as he was totally out of fuel. I raised this issue to the sales assistant & he just told me new signs have been ordered.
Re: 24hr petrol station

I have never sued anyone in my life, I hadn't thought about even bringing a complaint until I spoke to someone about it.
The fact is the garage advertises that it is 24hr, because it wasn't open I missed my flight.
I realise I probably should have made sure I had filled up the evening before, just thought I would get the opinions of AAM members.
The general opinion is that it was my own fault, fair enough, thanks again for the replys
Re: 24hr petrol station

The fact is the garage advertises that it is 24hr, because it wasn't open I missed my flight.

You missed your flight because you had no petrol in your car, not because the petrol station was closed.
Re: 24hr petrol station

Why not call the consumers association or the advertising standards authority .
If the station has signs , stating that it is open 24 hours and in fact it is not open 24 hours ,is this not misleading advertising ?
Re: 24hr petrol station

Even if it IS misleading advertising, do you think this means the station must assume liability for any consequence of any customer running out of petrol?
Re: 24hr petrol station

Maybe there was an emergency? Maybe the place was being robbed! If you need to get somewhere urgently make sure you buy petrol in advance.
Re: 24hr petrol station

Why not call the consumers association or the advertising standards authority .
If the station has signs , stating that it is open 24 hours and in fact it is not open 24 hours ,is this not misleading advertising ?

It also raises the question, why do 24 hour places have locks on their doors?
Re: 24hr petrol station

You could have taken a taxi. that would have been less that E260 (a bit less anyway)
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