2010 All-Comer Award for Stupidity


Registered User
The award has to be shared by two people living near me.

1. The lady who washed her car yesterday using more water than would float the Queen Mary. The used water flowed onto the public road from her raised property. The road has become impassable as a result. Knowing that I must have 3 vans on the road every day and that she washes her car nearly every day, I had asked her to desist just until the cold patch passes. But, no she just flippin' couldn't.

2. The male gobmite (I'm being nice) next door to her who cleared the ice from his raised driveway with a power hose and then swept the ice onto the public road just to ensure we now have packed ice on packed ice.

Thanks to both we now have the cleanest car in Ireland parked next to the cleanest driveway in Ireland both unusable.

And these people have a vote . . .
What about the idiots who clear the pathway in front of their houses and bank the snow up into nice walls for pedestrian to clamber over.

Or the teenage planks who think it's hilarious to build snow men in the middle of the road or throw snowballs at moving traffic. I hope they're still laughing their gormless little heads off when they cause a serious accident!
Wait until water metering arrives. That will put a stop to their folly.
I'll be installing an underground rain water cistern, so I can create ice rinks for no extra charge.
Why on earth would someone wash their car everyday, especially in sub zero temperatures. She must have OCD.
What would be the point of cleaning your car in this weather. You would need to clean it 3 or 4 times per day. The original colour of my car is white.............in this weather I don't know what colour it is............not white anyway....was once white.
I'll answer some of your questions as best I can. The car is washed nearly 365 days per year snow and ice permitting. But, even in last year's snow the same hazardous conditions were created by the same lady. Personally, I believe she has some compunction to keep things sparkling clean. I have found out that several people have explained the danger of her cleaning and she agrees with everybody but she continues to create ice rinks anyway.

I should point out that I live in a housing estate that was built to look good from aircraft landing in the airport. There are series of cul-de-sacs, obviously serviced by the estate's main road. The estate is on quite a steep incline and therefore even a bucket of water spilt would leave an ice trail for quite some distance. Add in passing vehicles which would bring the water further and presto you have a slalom to compete with the Winter Olympics!

There is a guy who works with me called Mick the Pole although he is from Slovakia. He has chains for his car. We were able to transfer the chains to the wheels of the vans when needed. The vans are serviced by a small depot behind the house where we keep paint, ladders etc, obviously access is required at all times.

But, this is our busiest time of year. We are house-painters and decorators. There is no point in turning up in somebody's house on Christmas Eve as we all know Christmas begins much earlier with people travelling from abroad etc.

I think we have the situation in control now until she (her husband is nearly as bad) starts again. During last year's snow, I mixed some sand, soot, salt and clay. We spread the mixture over about 100m of road and it was effective. After the snow melted obviously there was our grit on the road and the same lady made representations to the local council for us to sweep up the stuff, which we did.
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the snow melted obviously there was our grit on the road and the same lady made representations to the local council for us to sweep up the stuff, which we did.

Well you could make representations to the local council to get her to stop washing her car when it freezes.

You could complain about the waste of water to the Dept of the Environment. Taxpayers are paying for this waste.

What is OCD?

And the sooner they bring in metering for water the better.
Does the lady who washes her car not turn her own driveway into an ice rink also?

I dont understand the mindset of people in this weather. I got out of my car in the work carpark and put my foot straight onto a sheet of ice left from someone pouring water on their windows.

And full marks to all the cars that are abandoned on both sides of the road in my estate, not pulled into the kerb, just left hanging out into the middle, meaning that while trying to navigate the compacted ice road surface you also have to try not to hit the dozens of cars you are weaving between. There was one yesterday that was parked/left at a slant and the back corner of it was dented to bits - presumably from people hitting it as they tried to pass.
I have a neighbour who never cuts his grass, takes up a weed, washes his windows yet he was out scraping the snow off the footpath in front of his house the other day. What's that all about?
During last year's snow, I mixed some sand, soot, salt and clay. We spread the mixture over about 100m of road and it was effective. After the snow melted obviously there was our grit on the road and the same lady made representations to the local council for us to sweep up the stuff, which we did.

Why didn't you get rid of the grit yourself without being forced into it by the Council. You put it there and in non-icy conditions it's potentially dangerous.
Staples, by any chance are you the person who washes your car every day using loads and loads of water?

Grit (even the stuff put down by the council) gets cleared by wind, rain, wear-and-tear. Usually this happens within days.

The reason I gritted the road is that the local council does not usually see our estate as priority. Personally, I dont blame them as I am a believer that every household in an estate should be held responsible to keep the footpath and road outside their property (within reason) clear of snow and ice.

You know (when I get browned off of doing the right thing) I might stop gritting the road and then let the silent majority living near me do what they think is right. You're giving me a good idea . . . this winter has a long way to go yet . . .
You know (when I get browned off of doing the right thing) I might stop gritting the road and then let the silent majority living near me do what they think is right. You're giving me a good idea . . . this winter has a long way to go yet . . .

Or you could move to my estate where I would be most grateful to see someone help out on clearing the path/road?
I never ever wash my car. My friends cant get over it but I don't see the point. Its a bit of a tip inside too but I have everything I need!
Grit (even the stuff put down by the council) gets cleared by wind, rain, wear-and-tear. Usually this happens within days.

Without wishing to be deliberately pedantic, if this is the case why would the Council have been called out?

P.S. I use any excuse NOT to wash the car. This weather is a Godsend.:)
I never ever wash my car. My friends cant get over it but I don't see the point. Its a bit of a tip inside too but I have everything I need!

Same here, car is 13 years old and am often told how clean it looks?? It's about 3 years since it's been washed, but a nice tropical rain shower every so often and it looks brand new.

Then again, with 3 dogs the insides are a different story but hey that's why I bought it in the first place!
I dont understand the mindset of people in this weather. I got out of my car in the work carpark and put my foot straight onto a sheet of ice left from someone pouring water on their windows.
In fairness, that's hard to avoid. cut a bit of slack to those that are less perfect than yourself.
You know (when I get browned off of doing the right thing) I might stop gritting the road and then let the silent majority living near me do what they think is right. You're giving me a good idea . . . this winter has a long way to go yet . . .

We need more people like you not less. Civic responsibility is sadly lacking in some quarters. My sister had the cardboard she put on the windscreen stolen while she went to work this week and left it at the train station. Who does things like this?