Delays in rolling out vaccine

Ah Purple, our Front Line Staff is beyond criticism, isn't there a newspaper published to provide more financial support in their favour, don't they still get free pizzas and money vouchers for hair appointments. How could you think corruption is alive and well within?
I don't think Fintan O'Toole has given them his official blessing yet but Miriam Lord hasn't written half-funny smart ass article about them and I don't get to listen to LiveLine so I'm not sure what to think.
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This probably explains why so many more vaccines rolled out under cohort 2 than projected:

An online HSE system used for staff vaccination has been widely abused by non-healthcare employees – with many exploiting loopholes to skip the queue for a jab. The Irish Daily Mail has revealed that the HSE’s online portal for arranging frontline inoculations is not robust at checking vaccine candidates’ identification.
This probably explains why so many more vaccines rolled out under cohort 2 than projected:

An online HSE system used for staff vaccination has been widely abused by non-healthcare employees – with many exploiting loopholes to skip the queue for a jab. The Irish Daily Mail has revealed that the HSE’s online portal for arranging frontline inoculations is not robust at checking vaccine candidates’ identification.
People here don't want national identity cards so what do they expect?
People here don't want national identity cards so what do they expect?
Not clear how this would have helped in this instance, a national identity card wouldn't necessarily have your current occupation on it, nor does there appear to be a list anywhere it could be cross checked against.
Moving to an age based system and looking for passport or driving licence which states age etc seems to be the way to go for now.
Not clear how this would have helped in this instance, a national identity card wouldn't necessarily have your current occupation on it, nor does there appear to be a list anywhere it could be cross checked against.
The HSE could use the unique number in their database. The same number could be used for a vaccine database.
If it was allowed we could of course use PPS numbers for the same thing but our interpretation of GDPR seems to prevent that sort of thing.

We don't know how many GP's there are in the country. The ICGP says it's around 2500 and that the service is at breaking point (they would say that though, wouldn't they) whereas around 5000 doctors say they are working as GP's in Ireland.

We don't know how many Nurses there are working here. There are 78,000 registered with the Nursing Board. The OECD says we have 55,000 of them but since so many of them only work part time the HSE says it has 37,500 full time equivalent nurses. Then there's Nurses in private Hospitals. Then there's nurses in private nursing homes. Then there's nurse in GP surgeries. Any of whom could be working part time or full time.

The same issues apply to every other HSE employee or employee of a charity or private company funded or partially funded by the HSE.
We spend hundreds of millions trying to streamline their Payroll system but those efforts were resisted with a vigour not seen since Jadotville by the HSE Unions. Their victory resulting in hundreds of millions in waste and the resulting deaths of countless people due to the services which were not provided but could have been if that money wasn't wasted.
Basically the HSE is a basket case and the only people fully engaged in the problem are those seeking to keep it a shambles.
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If it was allowed we could of course use PPS numbers for the same thing but our interpretation of GDPR seems to prevent that sort of thing.
It's far worse than that, and very little to do with GDPR. The controls around use of PPS number are set out in legislation.
Except lots of people don't have passports or driving licences.
Do you have a stat for that - people over 18 without passport, driving licence and some other form of approved ID such as student ID card or national age card or bus pass etc.
Do you have a stat for that - people over 18 without passport, driving licence and some other form of approved ID such as student ID card or national age card or bus pass etc.
I'm sure just about everyone has some sort of ID but anything other than a single database using a single ID type with a unique number will turn into a complete cluster... mess.
It is well beyond time for a health database.

Indeed, it should have been done 50 years ago.

I have been lobbying politicians about this for years. They all agree that it should be done, yet it never is.

This is something which could be given to the Citizens Assembly.
It is well beyond time for a health database.

Indeed, it should have been done 50 years ago.

I have been lobbying politicians about this for years. They all agree that it should be done, yet it never is.

This is something which could be given to the Citizens Assembly.
I think one of the consequences of this crisis should be exactly that, this will not be a one-off event and we and the Western World simply can't cope.
When you are called to get your vaccine, are you told the name of the vaccine that you will be getting? What if you refuse to take an AstraZeneca jab, are you put back on the list for future vaccination? Do you go to the back of the list, anyone know what happens?
I think one of the consequences of this crisis should be exactly that, this will not be a one-off event and we and the Western World simply can't cope.
Some in the Western World habe it already (Denmark, Estonia, Israel) or are in the process of Digitalisation (Germany). Ireland still hasn’t a compatible IT system between the hospitals and is not representative of the Western World.
Some in the Western World habe it already (Denmark, Estonia, Israel) or are in the process of Digitalisation (Germany). Ireland still hasn’t a compatible IT system between the hospitals and is not representative of the Western World.
Of those you quoted Israel seems to be the only one that has functioned well in the pandemic the others have not.

I am specifically talking about the pandemic here, this will be the largest vaccination program human kind has witnessed and many virologists are saying it won't be the last.

With some more countries now halting the use of AZs vaccines for those under 60 and we follow it will have a serious impact on our rollout.
I'm beginning to think that there is more than meets the eye here, not normally a sceptical type but this doesn't feel right.
How do you mean?

I hope there is nothing wrong. I got my AstraZeneca jab yesterday.
I simply have a feeling, not evidence based, that maybe there are issues associated with AZ vaccines that may officially limit its use.
Obviously this would seriously curtail countries rollouts.

The vaccine is very important and if the EMA says use it then I think it should be used. Of course AZ hasn't helped this " feeling " with their initial results on effectiveness in December requiring further analysis and recently having to reduce its effectiveness by 2% to 74% in the US due to submitting confusing data.

All this simply heightens anxiety and Governments act but AZ needs to assure too, but they seem to simply say, they witnessed nothing in the clinical trials.

If anyone remembers H1N1(Panderix) vaccine 12 years ago not giving information caused its demise only to be later found to be a good vaccine that was effective against Swine flu but did have some serious side effects in a tiny percentage of children and adults... countries simply banned it.

I wouldn't worry about getting the vaccine a friend of mine and his wife has had the AZ one her 2 months ago him last week nothing except sore arm and a bit of fatigue for 2 days both mid 50s.

Edit/ Pfizer/BioNTechs vaccine has also been associated with clots but the people who allegedly got sick from the AZ vaccine also showed reduced platelet counts which is " unusual ".
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To add to the above...its perfectly reasonable to expect these types of side effects but its equally important to get them highlighted and have guidance issued.
It might be found that certain people have immune systems that are susceptible to serious side-effects from the vaccine or the adjuvants that are included in the jab, but these "studies " always seem to take a long time and that risks perfectly good vaccines being unused or destroyed.

Simply banning use for millions of people isn't the solution, regulators and research scientists need to work together, as they did in the development of the vaccines, to get answers quickly and issue proper guidance.
Back office administrators in the HSE allegedly designed an internal reservations system that has allowed potentially tens of thousands of back office administrators in that same organization to jump the vaccination queue by claiming to be frontline staff. It seems that the government is trying to hush this up (by claiming it can't establish the roles of HSE employees who have been vaccinated), and only a minority of media outlets so far seem to grasp the seriousness of this story.
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