Will the government fall before the next budget is passed?

Coming out and defending cutting back on personal assistants for the disabled - while at the same time not cutting back on the wasteage of public money in other areas.

How do you know that there isn't cut backs in wastaged in other areas?
Ministers have broken pay caps - but government TDs seem to have no problem defending cuts to the disabled.

The same happened in the budget reversals of last year.

Why can't the Croke Park deal be re-noggiated now.

They are enough clauses in the agreement to facilitate this.

Again - we see a reluctance within government to cut waste.

They are sitting on a report that has identified where 500 million plus of savings can be got in local govt.

There is a leadership deficit big time within this govt.
This government are in it for themselves and no one else matters, they are saving their salary in anticiaption of their retirement, just look at the age groups they ALL qualify for pensions next time. Now if your pension depended on your salary ie the croke park agreement would you change it? The croke park agreement is to copper fasten the TD's financial position and anyone who thinks any different is naive.

In Ireland we are governed by a system so untouchable it borders on criminal. I am glad I voted for none of them, FG have broken every promise they made and do so with aplomb. In any other country there would be a revolt.
unlike our forefarthers we have forgotten how to revolt in this country, we just lie down and take whatever the government dishes out!
I think the sight of them standing by James Reilly was a new low for them.

They are just so many get out clauses in the Croke Park Deal.

Niether FG or Labour have a clue.

They seem to have no bottle to target waste.

Enda Kenny does not even turn up to TV debates.

Reilly uses the HSE to make his announcements.
Some people have very short memories. It's not that long ago since you were defending the performance of your beloved Fianna Fail as they drove the country into the arms of the moneylenders.
Some people have very short memories. It's not that long ago since you were defending the performance of your beloved Fianna Fail as they drove the country into the arms of the moneylenders.

Perhaps you'd like to explain to the class why they did drive the country to the moneylenders?