What's The Worst Tasting Drink?

Lex Foutish

Registered User
In line with Purple's post about food, what do you regard as the worst tasting drink? For me, nothing can compare to root beer.

It's like drinking euthymol toothpaste!

I can't believe Americans like it so much!
tried Kas Bitter on holidays once ... it was red and bitter and completely unpalatable ... but surprisingly addictive!
Try a glass of Boschendal pinotage, a wonderful glass of S. African red. It could change your life, or even your mind!
cream soda, I remember my mother buying it for us once thinking it was lemonade, it wasn't!
Red Bull smells like vomit IMO, and tastes little better, and juke, see a doctor !!! Vit B complex is what you need for a kickstart.

I agree on the root ber too (not to be connfused with the delicious ginger beer, lashings and lashings of it)

The worst drink I've tasted as to be Green Chartreuse....like drink out of a sewer (I would imagine!)

Baileys & Lime is pretty gag inducing too :)
Red Bull smells like vomit IMO, and tastes little better, and juke, see a doctor !!! Vit B complex is what you need for a kickstart.

I agree on the root ber too (not to be connfused with the delicious ginger beer, lashings and lashings of it)

The worst drink I've tasted as to be Green Chartreuse....like drink out of a sewer (I would imagine!)

Baileys & Lime is pretty gag inducing too :)

Have to agree with all of this except to say that Red Bull tastes like cough medicine.

Fav drink has to be Jamican Ginder Beer.

Worst drink has to be Cod Liver OIl.
I forgot about Cod Liver Oil ... ugh ... it's so disgusting .. you can still taste it the day after ... ah the childhood memories ...!