unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LANDLORD


Registered User
anyone ever have to deal with a gas/esb bill where TENANT changed billing name back to that of the LANDLORD?

Tenant has left yesterday and today I get a gas bill made out to ME with large overdue amount?

Tenant obviously changed billing name back to me at some stage.
Re: unauthorised utility name change

Thankfully didn't happen to me but it seems as if gas company were completely out of order to let that happen.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

Yeah the gas company are at fault here. They have to have proper security measures in place, otherwise sure we could all start billing Bertie Ahern for our gas, esb etc
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

Don't jump too quickly to conclusions.

The utility company may well be at fault, but they too may be a victim of fraud, if the documents to transfer the bill were forged.

Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

hiagain and brendan what documents/security measures are you referring to?

Any house that i haved rented from the day i moved in i rang them up with the account number, the meter reading and my name and that was that. I could of put the name of the account as mrs specked hen if i had wanted to.

The same when i purchased my house, the electric bill was in the builders name and when we finally moved in we had around 5 months of bills that hadn't been paid ( not huge amounts, think all together was around 40 euro ) again all we did was phone up with the meter reading and the bills then came in our names. Didn't have to sign anything or give any other information.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

My tenant did this and I was told tough by ESB and was left with E850 in arrears actually it was over 1K but they settled accepting above amount. They wouldn't entertain my arguments at all, told me it was in my name I had to pay or would be taken to court.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

You probably need to go to the gardai and lay a charge of fraud/forgery against the ex-tenant. Once that's done, tell the ESB to take proceedings against the tenant.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

It is Ultimately YOUR property and your responsibilty to ensure the bills are paid. Also the ESB and Bord Gais will have a record of who the owner of the property is unless you have never opened an account with them.

If they lock the meter they will charge you €115 to have it unlocked everytime.

Saying that, if you have the tenants new address and a meter reading from when they moved out why not ask them to send a new bill to the tenant to reflect the same.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

It is Ultimately YOUR property and your responsibilty to ensure the bills are paid. Also the ESB and Bord Gais will have a record of who the owner of the property is unless you have never opened an account with them.

If they lock the meter they will charge you €115 to have it unlocked everytime.

Saying that, if you have the tenants new address and a meter reading from when they moved out why not ask them to send a new bill to the tenant to reflect the same.

I'd say it's not unreasonable to expect that when setting up a utility account, there is some checking of credentials. At a minimum a signature, therefore if the signature was a fraud, the account was too.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

My first post ever to AAM was about something very similiar. My tenant connected the phone line in my name. I had asked her did she want it connected she said no, I had it disconnected and I came back some months later to a gigantic bill. Eircom held me responsible. Its still unresolved. I never paid it. I was v annoyed that Eircom was holding me responsible for a mistake in their connection procedure. I believe they have tightened things up since. I had no support at the time though from any organization (prtb, small claims court, ombudsman etc). It didnt seem to fall into anyones responsibility.

Only positive thing was I found aam.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

I'd say it's not unreasonable to expect that when setting up a utility account, there is some checking of credentials. At a minimum a signature, therefore if the signature was a fraud, the account was too.

Unfortunately thats not the way of the world anymore - just look at over the phone paperless direct debits - no signature required and its to authorise payments to be taken from your account.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

Unfortunately thats not the way of the world anymore - just look at over the phone paperless direct debits - no signature required and its to authorise payments to be taken from your account.

Really? I've had to authorise every DD by signature. And I've had to sign to agree to every utility in my name.

It's fraud and should be handled as such.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

You can contact Bord Gais with your account details and set up your DDebit over the phone - Also i set up my account with Irish Broadband and never had to sign an authorisation, just supply my details.

From Bord Gais's website;

[broken link removed]

Plan-Pay Direct Debit: Spread your annual gas costs across
12 monthly payments. To set up a paperless Direct Debit,
simply call us on 1850 632 632 or sign up online at

Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

We recently moved out of a rented property and while ESB were quite happy to take my meter reading and transfer the bill into the name of the landlord, Bord Gáis insisted on speaking with either the landlord or letting agency to transfer the bill into the landlords name. I originally left this with the letting agency who never did it. I rang Bord Gáis and they advised the only thing I could do was lock the meter which would incur a charge of ~€190 for the next tenant to unlock. When I called the letting agency to advise that I had made arrangements for the meter to be locked, they eventually rang Bord Gáis themselves and put the bill in the landlords name. So I'm quite surprised that your tenant was able to put the bill in your name - the only thing is, any person of the same gender can pretend to be the landlord so I suppose it's open to abuse.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

My only surefire way of controlling such a scenario has been to have the bills in my own name.

When the bills come in, i give the tenants a copy of the bills outstanding and i dont pay these bills until ive received all the money. With sometime like TV, its practically a fixed cost per month so that just tags onto their rent. Anything else like bins, elec, gas i work on collect and pay.

it means more work for me as i cant direct debit but at least im in control and i can be sure the bills are being paid.

I know they have their deposit to cover such things but Ive already been burnt in the past with bills exceeding the deposit owed so now I'd rather the control than face forking out again.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

anyone ever have to deal with a gas/esb bill where TENANT changed billing name back to that of the LANDLORD?

Tenant has left yesterday and today I get a gas bill made out to ME with large overdue amount?

Tenant obviously changed billing name back to me at some stage.

Ravima, do you know if a deposit was paid when the accounts were changed to your name? ESB and Board Gais both ask for a deposit if the account isn't paid by DD, and I'm presuming that the tenant didn't give bank details. If there is a deposit, can the service providers deduct that from the bill, if they have not done so already?
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

My mate works in ESB he says the policy is as follows
They will take instructions from a Landlord saying put the account in the name of Joe Bloggs my new tenant, you also need to supply meter reads, a phone number for Joe and ideally his date of birth (date protection I gather)Once the account is in Joes name he gets a letter confirming that he has been set up and he is liable for the bills
If and when Joe LEAVES the house and assuming he contacts ESB they will close the account in Joes name and obviously look for a forwarding address. They will also look for the name of the new tenant or Landlord.
ESB then send out a letter to the landlord/New tenant asking them to register. If no one responds after a month or two ESB Networks cut off the supply . Apparently BGE and Airtricity customers would be treated exactly the same, its called an unregistered supply I think
There is then a charge for reconnecting, about €100 I think.
The mate says that ESB Supply have a scheme for Landlords whereby you agree to a "landlord agrement" so Joe BLoggs moves out and the account is set up in the landlords name automatically, you get a letter confirming same. Once you rent out again and ESB are advised of the new tenant your name is taken off the account. It stops the chance of the house be disconnected. Only problem I can see is if the tenant is with BGE or Airtricity and moves out the Landlord agreement wont work. Dont know if BGE or Airtricity have a similar product
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

The ESB are muppets and we had terrible problems with them changing names on bills against our expressed wishes as the property owners (commercial). They will take anyone's instructions over the phone, no questions asked. This is PERSONAL experience with them-very poor show.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

For landlords why dont you get a copy of the bill sent to you. Then you will know exacetly what name is on the bill at all times and you will know if arrears are mounting on the bill.
Re: unauthorised utility name change:TENANT changed billing name back to that of LAND

For landlords why dont you get a copy of the bill sent to you. Then you will know exacetly what name is on the bill at all times and you will know if arrears are mounting on the bill.

That can only be done if the bill is the LLords name - if in the tenants its breaking data protection unless requested by the tenant - which is unlikely if they are planning to do a runner