Things that drive you nuts!!

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Holding the door open for a "gentleman" at lunchtime today and he just walks out past me without saying thanks.

"Parking" on yellow boxes.

Cars using the bus lanes.

There...I feel better already!
Cheap headphones on public transport.

People waiting in line for a checkout, then waiting 'til asked for payment before trying to locate a card or change.
People in shared offices who diall numbers on loudspeaker.

People in shared offices who have a radio playing on low volume all day.

People in shared offices who hum while they're working.

People in shared offices, full stop!!!

Yes, I'm having a bad day. :mad:
Trade union leaders
Dunnes Stores checkout staff talking nonchalantly to each others while customers wait.
Car parking charges
The Bus Eireann 109 bus that takes 2+ hours to drive 40-odd miles between Virginia and central Dublin
The constant 'thump thump' of a football outside all afternoon when I'm trying to study. We have a green area for kids to play in, but kids don't play on it and the parents are of the "ah sure, it's only a bit of fun" attitude. Incidentally, said kids never play football outside their own houses.

Oh, and John Giles saying "I hope Ireland's performance encourages more kids to play football on the roads"
I've never seen a yellow box large enough to accommodate a car and would the car not just squash it?

Or do you mean parking in a box junction?

You see they were once, but enough cars parked on them which is why they are now squashed.
AAM moderators who erase threads that in any way deal with or emntion ethnic matters -such as the recent one on Roma gypsies or, until miday today, a thread on nonEU employees.
Holding the door open for a "gentleman" at lunchtime today and he just walks out past me without saying thanks.

That's my pet hate as well. There are several people in my office who have done this to me. They are now on my "vendetta" list. I hope to walk through the doors in front of them, and let it swing in their face. I am hoping they then say something. They'll be reminded of their own rudeness if they do !
My main pet hate is people rubbing snots on the tiles of walls in toilets. What in the hell is that all about ????
That's my pet hate as well. There are several people in my office who have done this to me. They are now on my "vendetta" list. I hope to walk through the doors in front of them, and let it swing in their face. I am hoping they then say something. They'll be reminded of their own rudeness if they do !

Try a very loud and direct 'You're welcome' as they walk away, and watch for the penny to drop.
Also RTE programming - drives me nucking futs!

Tonight - Brian & Pippa get married - who in the hell are Brian & pippa and why do we care about their wedding?

Off the Rails - courtney and the other one going on about must haves and can't live without clothes - none of which appear to be cheaper then €450 - €600 and all of which come from the Powerscourt townhouse centre!

Seoige now has some new crap show which will no doubt be a masterclass in stating the obvious!

Also RTE programming - drives me nucking futs!

Tonight - Brian & Pippa get married - who in the hell are Brian & pippa and why do we care about their wedding?

Off the Rails - courtney and the other one going on about must haves and can't live without clothes - none of which appear to be cheaper then €450 - €600 and all of which come from the Powerscourt townhouse centre!

Seoige now has some new crap show which will no doubt be a masterclass in stating the bleeding obvious!


You've just brought back a memory that's so traumatic it makes a war veteran suffering shellshock seem like ballet. Those ads ... the ones with an old clip from Tolka Row or something where, after telling you what they'll do to you if you don't pay the extortion money known as 'TV license', yerman turns to the camera and goes "I'll buy you a bag of mints"

I get a sudden and almost irresistable urge to throw heavy objects at the TV when I see it.
That radio advert for the play about Tom Creane, Arctic Explorer, which went something like....on the 15h day ...all we could see was South Georgia.... It was running ad nausem last year to the point I had to jump and switch-off the radio. I thought it had died a long-overdue death only to hear it again recently... I really really hope that's the end of the re-runs.:eek:
Pharmacists who dispense 14 off-cuts of foil packaging each containing two tablets in response to me presenting a monthly prescription.
The fire-fighters in Roscommon prepared to go on strike over a training course. This is nothing short of ridiculous.
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