small business and taxes

Sick of people bashing Self-employed

I'm pretty sick of people having a go at self-employed and company directors.

It's open to everyone. If you resent company directors & self-employed so much, why not try it yourself? (speaking generally)

- I work just about every waking hour.
- If I take a day off I don't get paid.
- If I'm sick - well that's tough. I still have to work.
- I don't know from one week to the next whether or not I will have any income.
- Have to learn to be a Sales Person and accountancy (to some degree), as well as my 'normal' work.
- Ensure that some bastard isn't going to rip you off, take you to court or not pay you.
- oh, and I don't get any tax breaks! - I pay full whack corporation tax, income tax, PRSI, accountancy fees and other ad-hoc business expenses. No company benefits for me!

I don't mind this. I'd rather do all that than work for someone else. It really gets on my nerves when some (probably civil-servant or something) thinks that it's all rosey being self-employed or a company director.

I don't even get that much money for my troubles either...