Paul Murphy Arrest


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So Paul said he was shaken by his detention this morning. Now he knows how the Tanaiste felt when she was detained by a mob in Jobstown and the mob were not as polite as the Gardai. If Paul maintains that he was "elected to break the law" then he must equally be aware of the consequences.
According to Paul and his comrades his treatment contrasted with the treatment of Bankers. But they conveniently forget that the senior Anglo executives were equally arrested at similar times. But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of political rhetoric.
So Paul said he was shaken by his detention this morning. Now he knows how the Tanaiste felt when she was detained by a mob in Jobstown and the mob were not as polite as the Gardai. If Paul maintains that he was "elected to break the law" then he must equally be aware of the consequences.
According to Paul and his comrades his treatment contrasted with the treatment of Bankers. But they conveniently forget that the senior Anglo executives were equally arrested at similar times. But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of political rhetoric.
These are good points Conan but it still looks like a dreadful PR blunder by the Gardaí. The only good thing about martyring PM is that he is more assured of keeping SF out of a seat at the GE.
big blunder by the government on this one...minister for justice trying to claim she knew noting about it! laughable.
What's laughable is people thinking the Government were behind the arrests.....
Its not like anyone in government needed to make a complaint, the guards were there themselves on the day, their car was damaged, they saw the stuff being thrown. What surprised me about it was that the riot squad was not called up on the day itself.

No sympathy for Paul Murphy, people have long protested in this country without resorting to thuggery, this "new wave" need to have manners put on them. The last straw (to reflect their own rhetoric) was the treatment of Michael D, total disgrace. The conspiracy theory rubbish is just as laughable as their whole outlook - someone will pay, not us, it will magically get sorted.
anyone who thinks there was not government involvement is living on another planet...
anyone who thinks there was not government involvement is living on another planet...

Yep, it's called earth. What planet those who believe a politician ordered these arrests is living on is another matter entirely.
Should have sent in the riot squad on the day, grab a few 'protestors' who were acting illegally, charge them and be done with it. Dragging it out like this turns it into a saga.
The ordinary people who graduated in Jobstown and their familys deserve an apology from Mr. Murphy.
Doesn't seem like a very efficient use of garda resources to me that 6 gardai had to call to his house ! I think Seanie Fitz was arrested by appointment ! Then again every time I call to the local cop shop for forms to be filled in I'm always bewilered to see strapping fit young fellas and young ones behind the counter stamping passport forms - prefer to see them out chasing gurriers.
anyone who thinks there was not government involvement is living on another planet...
I think that if the government were aware that these arrests were pending they would have asked the Gardaí not to proceed due to the political damage it would cause them.
Nobody wants to be arrested.

If we do something or if we engage in something that makes it possible for us to come to the attention of the guards, then we should not be surprised if we are brought in for questioning.

What's interesting is that a solicitor was present for the questioning (so quickly) and that no questions were answered by Paul Murphy. If you have nothing to hide why stay silent?

Why does Paul Murphy or his supporters think he might be above the law?

Why all this fuss about his arrest?

I am rather fed up of these supposedly "left-wing" politicians with persecution complexes. Act in a vindictive, nasty, unpleasant, aggressive or illegal manner. Shout spittle-laden vitriol in the face of people who have done you no more wrong than disagree with you. And then like a sanctimonious hypocrite start prating on about how your "democratic right to protest" is being curtailed because someone logically points this out to you...

If you are being nasty, abusive and aggressive and you decide to film it to demonstrate what a wonderful protestor you are then you shouldn't be surprised when you get a knock on the door asking you to account for your behaviour.

And for anyone who for a moment thinks that anyone with an ounce of sense sees political advantage in this for the government - you are willfully blind to the truth. Paul Murphy was only too delighted to get his time in front of the camera playing the martyr. As far as he is concerned it is make hay while the media lights shine upon him. No wonder he couldn't suppress a grin.
I think that if the government were aware that these arrests were pending they would have asked the Gardaí not to proceed due to the political damage it would cause them.
or maybe it was just one more in a long line of government 'cock ups'