Next door neighbours from HELL

I know this wont be much of a help, but you are bringing back memories of a flat where I stayed years ago. There was a German girl in the flat next door and every morning 6.00 am she would put on a long playing record of Makem and Clancy and would turn it up as loud as possible. She would leave for work around 7.15am and the record would play and play all day (you could set old record players for continuous playing). The walls of the flats were very thin.

I pleaded and pleaded with my neighbour to show some neighbourliness. So did other people living in the building. All to no avail.

My job at the time had Midnight, 5.00am, 6.00am, 9.00am, 2.00pm, 6.00pm starts depending on my duties in the Post Office. These times obtained at weekends also. (I think you see where I am going!).

I got out my only Rory Gallagher LP (complete with scratches etc) and whenever I left for work I had Rory Gallagher playing "Messin' with the Kid" playing continouusly back in the flat. In effect I terrorised the terrorist. She pleaded and pleaded with me to stop. Her love-in weekends at her apartment had become impossible with Gallagher stratocasting away next door and of course Messin' with the Kid . . .

I think you will have to do something similar. Find out what music your neighbours hate and treat them to hours and hours of it.
Sorry to hear about your nightmare.

As you seem to be stuck there, sound proofing seems to be the only way to go.

If you do get the Guards out, ask them to get your neighbours out to discuss the problem and have the Guards act as mediators. But really it seems like soundproofing is your only solution.

Hope it works out for you. All the best.
+1 to what Leper recommends as it seems you have gone down the polite route.

We used to live in a house sub-let into flats and the people who lived above us only seemed to have one record, "Fairytale of New York", which they would play continuously at all hours. Our way to get back was to put The Pixies Debaser on continuous play on a Sunday then go out for a few hours. We would put the speakers on top of the wardrobe facing up just to be sure. They soon got the message!.
OP I have no advice but just want to say that I hope things improve and that the gardai will help. I (thought I) had noisy neighbours from time to time in the past but after reading your thread I realise that you really have the neighbours from Hell. Best of luck and I hope that things improve greatly.
Put an ad on daft:
"Music recording studio house to let to bands for 8hr sessions, 3 per day, all bands welcome"

They may come back to you in 2 weeks suffering from lack of sleep.

Alternatively take a holiday or rent elsewhere for 2 weeks and hire the loudest speakers you can find & do exactly what a previous poster did.
+1 to what Leper recommends as it seems you have gone down the polite route.

We used to live in a house sub-let into flats and the people who lived above us only seemed to have one record, "Fairytale of New York", which they would play continuously at all hours. Our way to get back was to put The Pixies Debaser on continuous play on a Sunday then go out for a few hours. We would put the speakers on top of the wardrobe facing up just to be sure. They soon got the message!.

I did that to my neighbours in my first place... but I went away overnight. I knew the people above were away as well (we got to know each other because of the noise from my neighbours).
I looked at this thread because of a 21st two roads over that kept the whole area awake 'till 3.03 this morning. In the end the police had to call twice to get them to shut up. I walked over at 3.15 to get the numbet of the house.
I'll be over knocking on their door at 6.30 next Saturday and Sunday morning; if they want to dictate what time I go to sleep at then I'll dictate what time they wake up at.
I did something similar re alarm clock. Neighbour was setting their clock for 5.30 and not getting up til after 8 every morning. I set my alarm and went off for the weekend , hasn't happened since. Again this might not be something you would feel comfortable to do something similar

It's not realy similar at all to the OP's case.

Nobody sets off an alarm at 5:30 just to annoy the neighbours. Maybe they were getting up to do study for professional exams for a few hours before work. I used to get at 5am to do this for a few months. Or lifting weights and exercising in their place.

The fact that you can hear your neighbours alarm clock says a lot about shoddy building quality in Ireland. :(
I once rented a flat in a small town in Meath. Like you this kind of crap was going on day and night from the sister and brother who rented next door to us. I was sharing with my soon-to-be bro' in law at the time. We spent a hundred pounds on a CD player with 'Repeat', bought a Guns 'n' Roses CD, turned it up, pressed play and moved out for a long weekend. They 'understood' and in fact moved-out themselves a couple of months later.

You probably will have to fight fire with fire in this instance however unpalatable that might be to you.
You have recourse to the District Court for noise pollution.I would advise
you to get a solicitor and bring a case immeadiately.As nothing is working
for you its now your only choice.The threat of costs being awarded against
them might even solve it.An acoustics engineer can cost up to €1500 but
I doubt you would need one with your evidence.
This thread is fantastic, never realised people had such clever ideas to deal with noisy neighbours.
I think that Firefly's advice is probably the best way to approach it, where you first ask a guard to "mediate" and then get a solicitor involved. Fighting fire with fire may go against you if you proceed down the legal route.

Alternatively, should you choose to fight fire with fire, I had a problem with a neighbor about 10 years ago where there were parties going on until 5 in the morning pretty much 5 days a week. It took a bit of experimenting with different styles of music, but the one that did it for me was a CD I got in a second hand shop with really bad and screechy alternative Jazz. I picked the shortest song on the album and played it on repeat from 7am until I got home from work. Parties stopped very soon after.
I have no advice to give you but I feel sorry for you and your family.

Is your house second hand or new? If previously owned, why did the previous owners' move out? Is there an obligation on the seller to inform you that they moved out because of the noisy neighbours?

How do you know for 100% certainty that they are not renting?

As a matter of record, why don't you video tape some evidence from various rooms in your house? It might come in handy at a later stage. If your baby is distressed, then you owe it to him/her to pursue all avenues.

Good luck with it.

If people selling their house were honest about the neighbours, lots of peoples houses wouldnt sell.
Hi OP, having read your posts my heart goes out to you and your husband. I just wanted to say that I agree with the posters who say sell up.

I don't have noisy neighbors but I do have neighbors that do exactly as they please and have trespassed on my property more than once. I have contacted the Gardai and made complaints but got nowhere. The system seems to work more in the favor of these people than it does for somebody who wants to keep to themselves. If I had the chance again I wouldn't think twice of moving but that is not an option for me now.
Why don't we come up with a "various hits" compiliation!! I'll add "Top of the Morning to Ya" from the House of Pain. Played at 5.30am should do the trick nicely:D
I'm very lucky with de neighbours, one's never there and the other is quiet as a church mouse, except for highheels on a wooden floor! I tend to play some music loud enough when I'm in the garden potterin or washing the car. But not at 5am I hasten to add. Just glad I don't have firefly, Ancutza or some of the other posters exacting revenge on me .
To paraphrase Sean Connery in 'The Untouchables' - if you go down the route of taking them on, how far are you willing to go? Because you need to be willing to go all the way.

You have my sympathies - sounds like you are in a bad situation. I really hope it all works out for you, however you chose to handle it.
i may be wrong here but you dont have to disclose legal issues if your moving or selling in ireland ,but if as i suspect your english ,? then in england you do.
If people selling their house were honest about the neighbours, lots of peoples houses wouldnt sell.

In the UK a seller has to disclose any problems they have with bad neighbours/area or any problems with the house itself. The purchaser can get their money back if these facts are not disclosed.

Best bet is the District Court with dates, times etc. Plead with the Judge with baby in arms - and ask for a court order forcing them to stop the drumming or reduce the noise level. I know someone who did this and it worked!
Let's have a look at some of the solutions provided:-
(a) Negotiate with the noise neighbours, pointout the errors of their ways.
Useless, they dont want to even know.

(b) As the Gardaí to be intermediaries.
They have more pressing problems on an hourly basis.

(c) Sell the house.
Possibly already in negative equity and probably not a runner.

(d) Fight fire with fire, but by using your head.
Be unhelpful, disregarding, show contempt, smile and be a villain,
be unavailable, show no empathy, be condescending, dont show
obvious disregard, use cold shoulder, dont loan him tools, dont
accept his mail, never offer him or his family a lift etc

(e) Sooner or later "Junior" next door will be preparing and sitting exams.
Then borrow a set of drums and bagpipes if possible. Return the
noise, but with interest.

Then let your neighbour negotiate with you.