Next door neighbours from HELL


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Myself and my husband are in a severe dilemma...

We bought a house (a semi-d) in November of last year (4 months ago). We renovated the house, i.e. painted and carpeted it, and throughout the renovations there was ferrocious drumming noise coming from the house attached on to us. We thought, 'ah not to worry, it will stop when we move in and they are only doing it while there is nobody in the house'.

How wrong we were....

we tried to be neighbourly to them when we moved in and WE called to them with a bottle of wine for Xmas and a box of chocolates. We were not invited in to their house, nor did we so much as get an Xmas card back in return.

There has been ongoing drumming since we moved in. We have been in to them pleading with them (in the nicest possible way) to stop drumming when we are there or at least get dampners for their kits (it turns out there are 2 drum kits in the house).

They own their house and there is 3 of them living there -father, 20 year old son and mother. It's the son and the father who are the drummers.

The drumming can start at any time of the day. It is never at night after the first time we called in to them. It was at night when we first moved in.

The thing is, we have a baby, and it's at the point now that I cannot put her into her cot in her bedroom for a nap during the day. Because if the drumming starts it will wake her, or if it's going on at naptime she cannot sleep. So now, she sleeps in her buggy or in a travel cot in the sitting room for her daytime naps. It's terrible coz we cannot kick back and watch a bit of telly or anything then.

We work Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm and have told them to drum all they like when we are not there. The father's answer to that was 'I will drum as loud as I like, as long as I want and as late as I like'. It's a disaster.

The first 9 times we called in to them we stood at their door and spent at least 1/2 hour each time explaining to them how we need the baby to sleep, how our light fittings vibrate, how our house alarm is being set off during the day by the drumming, how it's affecting our lives. Still they don't care.

The father has stood on the driveway and screamed and roared at us. We would never stoop to that level in return and have always remained polite and calm.

However, the last time we were in to baby was sick and I was off work to mind her (creche wouldn't take her and she was too sick to go to the creche anyway). Next thing...bang, bang, bang. So I went next door and rang their bell for 20 answer. So I dropped a note in the door. Still...bang, bang, bang for a further hour. The poor baby was so distressed, exhausted and sick...I was so upset. She needed to nap and couldn't with the noise.

I have bought noise level meters and record the noise, which can be 1.5 - 2 times the ambient level downstairs and 3-4 times the ambient dBA level upstairs. Doesn't help that they often drum with the windows open so it vibrates all over the place. Bad enough that they do it with the windows closed.

They are not polite at all, have slammed doors in our faces and roared and screamed all sorts at us.

The last time we went to them was the night time of the day I put the note in the door asking them to please be quiet as the baby was sick. For a finish, after 45 minutes of pleading with them, I said 'this is pointless talking to you, it's like talking to a brick wall' and I asked the mother 'As a mother, can you not understand that the bady can't sleep with the noise'.

We have invited them in 4 times to hear the noise (i.e., the son could play and them sit in our sitting room and hear the racket). No joy, they won't come in.

Anyway, since the last time, they have started throwing rubbish into our back garden. It started pretty much immediately after the last conversation with them 4 weeks ago. It's all compost rubbish and will attract rats. There are cats constantly in our garden now...tonnes of them all the time with the rubbish. It could be leftovers from their breakfast that's just tipped over the wall, ashes from their fireplace, old fungus covered bread, carrots, potato peels, carrots, gone off veg etc.

The garden and the roof of our shed would literally be littered with the rubbish. Sometimes we clean it up in the morning, go away and come home to find they've done it again.

we are at our wits end. The mother has started parking her car up on the kerb between the 2 houses to try make us not have enough room to open our car doors fully.

We've been to the Gardai and logged a complaint with them. They've said they will call to them. We've said don't. We are afraid that they will come back on us twice as bad. My husband's friend is a Garda and he said to us that if we call the Gardai out to them next time they are drumming, that 9 out of 10 times, people like that only come back worse.

They are very rough people. Anyone I have asked who knows them or knows of them say 'Oh God help you living next door to them'.

We don't know what to do. If we go down a legal route and get legal proceedings, it'll be attached to the house for good and if we went to sell, we'd have to declare.

We're thinking of just pulling out, cutting our losses and selling up.

We asked the auctioneer before we bought the house but he didn't know anything about drumming and the previous owners lived way up the country and had the house rented out. Their tenants, co-incidentally for the last 4 years also had a drum kit so it was nice and handy for the neighbours!

What would you do in our situation? I don't want to bring my baby up in an environment like that.
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I feel so very sorry for you, are these people tenants? if they are make every effort to contact the landlord and if they have been placed there by the council get on to their housing department. This is a horrendous situation and swift action is needed before you get a breakdown. How dare this scum treat you and your baby in this fashion. It makes me sick.
What an awful situation to be and I think the only thing you can do is take this further i.e. legal. See the for procedures on complaining about noise levels.

I'd also advise documenting everything - keep a diary of the noise, the levels and your attempts at reasoning with these 'people'.
You are going to have to do something, from reading your post you have done everything possible to get these people to stop. You will have to take the legal route, have a read through this:

The guards should also be contacted and they will have to act on this complaint, I think they will have to act with due care on this one seeing you have responsibility for a small child. No one should be expected to put up with the racket you are subjected to on a daily basis.
Much as I would feel (and on your behalf do feel) very self righteous about this, how dare they etc.... (and make no mistake, they are scum to behave like this), and I can think of plenty of advice regarding taking them to court about noise levels, putting a camera up to catch them throwing rubbish over etc.....There is also a side of me that thinks - you could spend years and years of your life frustrated and upset and stressed about this, and their antics could get worse, and because they own the house you end up fighting it legally for your own peace but the price of all this is your own sanity and stress levels.

I really think that if I was in your situation, given that you have tried to be nice about it and to no avail, Id consider moving.

What price is there on a peaceful life not living next to scumbags?
Thank you for your replies.

However, where we are caught is that if we take legal action and then in the future go to sell our house, we must declare that we took legal action and say why.

Our solicitor has told us today that if we do that, we are likely to lose some value in our house and it will be very hard to sell with a disclosure like that.

That's why we are just thinking of pulling out now and selling now.

I don't know. I am very confused and upset.
What price is there on a peaceful life not living next to scumbags?

Truthseeker, yes I agree with you. Just that we have put every single penney we own into this own. if we sell now, we will not afford to buy a house again for at least 10 years.

I guess I just need someone to tell me the right thing to do in this situation. We just are at a loss as to what to do. I wish I could predict the future and know that whatever decision we make is the right one.
We're thinking of just pulling out, cutting our losses and selling up.
What would you do in our situation? I don't want to bring my baby up in an environment like that.

I would sell ASAP.
There is specific legislation in relation to drumkits as far as I know. A friend was going to buy one for her son to use in the garage as his Christmas present but there was a list of soundproofing that was compulsory, so in the end she got him an electronic one and headphones. Try the environment department of your local council, they should be able to advise on this and also how to obtain a noise abatement order against your neighbours. There is also an environmental health issue re the littering, again the council is your best chance here.
Will your house sell easily seeing the housing market is very stagnant, how will you explain the noise when the viewers come to see the house.

No easy answers here, you read about these sort of neighbours and watch the tv programmes but I imagine that to actually experience this sort of antisocial behaviour is uncomprehendable for a lot of people.
Truthseeker, yes I agree with you. Just that we have put every single penney we own into this own. if we sell now, we will not afford to buy a house again for at least 10 years.

How much have you put into the house - in terms of renovation?

Would you be able to sell it for roughly what you paid for it?

Would you be able to sell it for more than you paid for it given you have painted and recarpeted it?

Could you break at all even on the situation? I dont see how you have lost 10 years here unless youve put many thousands into carpeting and repainting and the property has lost value since you bought it (which is a possibility but surely not years of value?).
I dont see how you have lost 10 years here unless youve put many thousands into carpeting and repainting and the property has lost value since you bought it (which is a possibility but surely not years of value?).

Unfortunately, we lost big on our last house - sold it at a loss and put 40k into it. We took out a personal loan for this. We had to move house due to my job and thought moving nearer would give us a better quality of life. So we decided to sell for 40k less than the mortgage and got a 40k personal loan.

Then we put 20k into the new house, did it up fabulously. Best of carpets, solid wooden floors, new bathrooms and a new kitchen, painting etc, new radiators.

And the market has bottomed out even further since we bought. I see a house the same as ours at the bottom of the road for sale with an asking price of 10k less than we paid.

We are not on big salaries. We saved for about 7 years for that 20k and the stamp duty money as we knew we would move sometime in the future. And now with the baby and creche fees, we are unable to save anything at the moment. My husband did the maths and said he thinks it'll be 10 years before we'd be able to scrape a deposit together.
Shesells, no unfortunately no legislation for drumkits. There are the noise regs EPA Act 1992. But that's it.

We have tried the council and the HSE Env. Health but because this is only affecting us (as in 1 family and not multiple families) they won't act. Can you believe it?!! I even rang the Head Office of the HSE in Naas as I was sure the girl in the Local Office was wrong, but they told me the same thing.

The law is a joke. And even if we wanted to CCTV them throwing the rubbish, we are not allowed, under the Data Protection Act, to film outside our boundary wall. So how to we have proof it's them??!
I would sell and get away from them. As Truthseeker said, life is just too short. Do you really want it ruined by scumbags like that?
I know it's a huge hassle and expense to move but I think it would be worth it in this situation. If you bought the house last November it won't have gone down in value too much.

I know it's awful that people like that can effectively force people out of their home, it really is.

Sorry, just seen your previous post where you explain your financial situation. Ignore the above.
We had a similar bad neighbour and it just got worse and worse.

we rented out the house 5 years ago, find a tennat with a loud mean dog for starters and go from there.. we have not been back and I still think it will be the same if I did.

IF you cannot sell rent it out you have to move one way or an other you have no other option.

if you decide you cannot move very thick 112mm insulated plaster board on the joing walls including in the loft. maybe even some proper sound damp stuff.. it will help a bit.

no point fighting them it will only get worse it always does.

just be really nice to them all the time smile and say hello it will drive them mad.. or some times people start to think a bit more..
wow mrsob - my heart really goes out to you.

Re the financial situation - you would have sold the last place for the 40k less no matter what new house you bought - so thats that and unrelated to the new house.

All you have lost in real terms is what it has gone down in value by and what you have spent on it.

If its gone down in value since you bought - so have other places that you would buy now - so there is no real loss here either.

So youre only going to be out the money you spent on renovation work - and that might not be a dead loss either because you will probably be able to use it as leverage for a better price.

I still think sell up.
Thanks everyone.

We wouldn't consider renting out the house as these people have a vendetta against us now and would pleasure themselves in knowing that they could drive our tenants out on us.

As the Garda said to us, they are targeting us. they are out to get us due to our complaints to them re: noise. and I am pretty sure that it would be their pleasure to drive us nuts even further by driving tenants out of our house on us.

It sickens me that we saved so hard, put 20k and 10k stamp duty into the house, plus solicitors fees, removal fees etc. on top of that. That was hard earned money and took a lot for us to save it.

And now with the baby and drop in salaries etc. we haven't got a penney. If we sell, which we will prob have to do, we will lose out and defo not be able to buy again for years and years.

I thought my rental days were over but it looks like we will be back renting again, always with the fear of 'will the landlord sell the house, will we have to move each year etc.?' We are so sad. It's unreal the way scumbags can interfere in your life, isn't it?
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My heart goes out to you Mrs OBrien. I know sadly what you are going through. The night we moved into our semi 20 years ago we heard the sound of drums next door. I had 4 kids aged from 0 to 9 years old. My husband worked nights. Our neighbour said her kids could be "doing worse than making music" from dawn to middnight. And that was their attitude for ten years until her kids finally grew up and moved away. Hell on earth I know and migraines to endure with no place to lie down where you wouldnt feel the vibrations and hear the racket. Gardai could do nothing. We had eggs thrown at our windows and all the bratish behaviour you could expect from selfish people. If it were today I would def bring them to court. I wouldnt endure it for the sake of so called good relationships with neighbours. I wouldnt sell up either - you have done nothing wrong they have! Gas thing is around here we are labelled the cranks and have done nothing wrong except appeal for quiet for our kids to sleep. The same woman wont speak to us now but good riddance I say! Horrible how neighbours selfishness can cause such upset. I really hope you dont have to wait as long as I did for peace in your own home:(