McCain vs Obama?

America's now in line for a long long long recession - Obama's protectionist attitude, naive economics and wealth distribution policies will ensure this.

Very bad news for Ireland. He's promised a $3k penalty per annum (in form of tax) for every job a US owned company has located overseas.

totally untrue, he's offering a credit for companies that create jobs in the US see here from his website
American Jobs: Barack Obama introduced the Patriot Employer Act of 2007 to provide a tax credit to companies that maintain or increase the number of full-time workers in America relative to those outside the US; maintain their corporate headquarters in America; pay decent wages; prepare workers for retirement; provide health insurance; and support employees who serve in the military.

But why let actual facts get in the way!
totally untrue, he's offering a credit for companies that create jobs in the US see here from his website
American Jobs: Barack Obama introduced the Patriot Employer Act of 2007 to provide a tax credit to companies that maintain or increase the number of full-time workers in America relative to those outside the US; maintain their corporate headquarters in America; pay decent wages; prepare workers for retirement; provide health insurance; and support employees who serve in the military.

But why let actual facts get in the way!
Tax breaks are already available for most of that, some states rightly give more to companies that employ ex-military.
totally untrue, he's offering a credit for companies that create jobs in the US see here from his website
American Jobs: Barack Obama introduced the Patriot Employer Act of 2007 to provide a tax credit to companies that maintain or increase the number of full-time workers in America relative to those outside the US; maintain their corporate headquarters in America; pay decent wages; prepare workers for retirement; provide health insurance; and support employees who serve in the military.

But why let actual facts get in the way!

All bad for Ireland. Anything that encourages a US owned multinational to move jobs from Ireland to the US is bad.:(

When Ireland was raised in the debates by McCain, Obama gave a very negative reaction.
Obama has an Irish great grandpaw on his mothers side - there was a thing about it on RTE the other night. They was a lot of support for him in his 'hometown' of .

And a little google search threw up the following fact sheet on Obama's [broken link removed].

It doesn't say wether he can point it out on a map though.

A load of rubbish put out by a PR company. Bet Obama never even saw the fact sheet.

What has Obama ever done for Ireland? We have proof that he's very much against US companies locating here. Where has he ever genuinely given any support to this country or promoted policies that benefit Ireland? And I mean coming from him personally, not the "party line".

Anyone who has a notion that Obama will be good for Ireland is going to be very dissappointed.
In hindsight, McCain should have had Condi Rice on the ticket along side him.
Personally I think the problem was McCain.

Oddly enough, some of the states that went for Obama, at the same time voted for some very conservative initiatives.

California & Florida both passed bans on gay marraiges. All in all, voters passed all 11 bans on gay marraige that came before 11 states.

As someone pointed out, America is not as conservative as it was 4 years ago and it isn't as liberal as it looks this morning.

It's as if millions of key voters saw Obama as the better candidate when compared to McCain but their vote wasn't an endorsement of liberal ideology.
Will Obama not still have to keep the Irish companies employing in the US happy? Presume the lobbyists will pursue this line. There are apparently at least half the amount of americans employed by Irish companies as there are the inverse.
Obama spent his childhood and formative years in Kenya, Indonesia and Hawaii. About as far removed from Ireland as you can be both geographically and culturally.
Obama spent his childhood and formative years in Kenya, Indonesia and Hawaii. About as far removed from Ireland as you can be both geographically and culturally.

Who cares? I doubt George Bush could pick out Ireland on a map either before he came he (probably not afterwards either) and he didn't exactly seem culturally close to Ireland either!!

It doesn't really matter who the President is anyway as long as Ireland can continue to successfully lobby on the Hill which they have been very good at over the years.
America's now in line for a long long long recession - Obama's protectionist attitude, naive economics and wealth distribution policies will ensure this.

Very bad news for Ireland. He's promised a $3k penalty per annum (in form of tax) for every job a US owned company has located overseas.

America is alrady in an economic slump and this had nothing to with Obama, rather it's a reflection of going too far in letting the market decide and not having sufficient controls in place for financial institutions, plus a small fortune being spent on a largely pointless war

I'm struggling to see how giving tax breaks to the lower/middle income as opposed to higher income earners(which is one of the cornerstones of his economic policies) will contribute to a recession. Surely if the bulk of Americans have more money in their pocket, they will be inclined to spend more and that can only benifit businesses and exporters to the US

In terms of his $3k tax, agree that is not good news as it makes Ireland even less cost effective then other countries such as Poland etc. I think the days of large American manufacturing companies basing in Ireland is over, instead we will see smaller operations where the focus is more on highly skilled and trained employees(such as R&D facilites) as opposed to production lines

One thing that may help Irish export companies is the recent strenthening of the $. Were it to move another 5-10%, it could make a difference
csirl, you think that Obama is going to cause the sky to fall.
If McCain got in, I think the recession would deepen much more regardless of his actions. The thought of a GWB extension would kill the markets (even though I admire McCain and the grace and respect he has for others, esp. Obama, to the dismay of some extreme card-carrying Republicans).

Yes, we know, and always knew that a democrat govt would be protectionist, and Obama will follow on from that. No harm to him, charity begins at home and you can't argue with that. When America does well, so do we. If Dell lay off staff, it'll no doubt be blamed on him, even though it has been mooted for quite a while now.

All in all, I'm delighted that Obama is El Presidente, as it will hopefully improve Americas confidence in themselves, improve others opinions towards them, prevent (or at least reduce) the antagonism and war-mongering that America has shown towards other countries and overall result in markets not having of a panic attack over 4 more years of republicanism.
Yes, we know, and always knew that a democrat govt would be protectionist

How many American companies set up in ireland between 1993 and 2000 when Clinton was in power? While csirl goes on and on like chicken licken he/she should realise that a safer world for all of us, which is what an obama presidency will mean, is good for ireland.
the fact that he/she has ignored the fact that the 'tax' isn't a tax it's a credit for jobs being created in the usa and has been in for nearly 2 years already and hasn't led to a flood of jobs to the us. you should just accept that mccain lost and that the sky isn't going to fall in.
Obama spent his childhood and formative years in Kenya, Indonesia and Hawaii. About as far removed from Ireland as you can be both geographically and culturally.

I fear Obama will not make a good President, time will tell. The other candidate was not perfect but I think he had more experience and would have been a steadier hand at the wheel. Most white people in America voted for McCain. 96% of blacks voted for Obama, which suggests they voted for someone because of their colour ? I believe people should have vote for whoever would have made the best president / person to help lead the world out of the financial crisis we are in , rather than because of their skin colour. I wish him luck, he will need it, with the mess the world is in.