Lowlife members of society.


Registered User
here's a brief list...

drug dealers
hit and run drivers
drunk drivers
robbers who beat up the elderly
conmen/conwomen who prey on the elderly
thieves who rob from graves
muggers in cemeteries
people who ridicule mentally or physically disabled people

any additions or comments?
thieves who rob from graves

What? What do they rob? I never even heard of this!!!

Id add:
Roma gypsies who are surrounding, intimidating, threatening and robbing people in city centres.

Junkies who do the same but in less organised groups.
Spongers who cheat the social welfare system. Or those who make no attempt to find work and support themselves and their kids cos the taxpayers will look after them so why bother.

The David Drumms and Sean Fitzpatricks of this world.

Bullies who make themselves feel good by belittling, intimidating or humiliating other people.

Parents who make no attempt to discipline their kids and defend them no matter how bad their behaviour.
Seanie Fitz

The ungentlemanly and unladylike members of the Fourth Estate

The Ulster Bank IT Team (In India, Edinburgh, Dublin or where-ever they are currently hiding)
The Ulster Bank IT Team


I think it's not fair to equates them with the list originally posted. There's a difference between incompetence and malicious intent.

What about the people who brought knives to the Phoenix Park concert on Saturday ? Surely there's an island somewhere we could deposit them ? The last person standing can then go to prison for the rest of their years.
For me it's the ones who seem to constantly be looking to pick an argument. I have witnessed a number of incidents starting in pubs because somebody just happened to bump into one of these scumbags completely accidentally. I also see this a lot with the girls. I was in a toilet recently in a pub in town and as I came out to wash my hands I just happened to glance at the girl in the mirror doing her makeup, immediately she turned to her mate and says 'what's your one looking at' - I just left immediately but continued to get dirty looks in the pub for the next hour until they left. Someone like this is just out looking for an excuse to get into a fight - they seem to have a major chip on their shoulder and anyone could be a target.
"Sean Fingletons"

Sounds like an uberbadie, like something in a spiderman movie they merged Seanie Fitz & Michael Fingleton and now we're all going to pay....... into pension funds and exorbitant salaries for woefully bad judgement :D
FF front bench and Taoiseach of the last Govt,in any other Country they would have been put on trial for treason.

Utter Scum.
you're on a roll today knuttell, Brian Cowens further education has really hit a nerve!