Key Post: Worst buy for baby?

Re: Worst buy for baby?

Carpenter said:
Does everbody test baby's bathwater with their own elbow first??

I used to when Bear Jnr was very small, but now hes 17 months and loves his bath, but I test the water with my hand, last night he figured out that a plastic cup is good for drinking the bath water and its also useful to move the waterfrom the bath to Dada's legs! He got a great laugh out of that!!
Re: Worst buy for baby?

I tried testing the bathwater with one of those purple rings that supposedly turn slightly pink at 34 degrees C and bright pink when the water is too warm (got it free in some goodie bag or other) but the water still seemed freezing to me (and baby!) when we used it so I dumped in another jug or warmer water and he seemed to like that.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

stobear said:
Iits also useful to move the waterfrom the bath to Dada's legs! He got a great laugh out of that!!
I regularly have to change my t-shirt after giving our little girl her bath - as I lift her out of the bath now, she points out the wet patches on my t-shirt and has a good giggle.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

Advanced toilet training pull ups. The idea is to let her know when she is after wetting herself but all that did was give her a rash as they are designed not to absorb all the pee so it was rubbing against her.

They are expensive too.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

A question for those who use cotton wool & water as opposed to babywipes. Is it because of the cost of baby wipes, or because you don't like them?

I think cotton wool and water is perfectly fine, but just found wipes (non scented) so handy at home and particularly when out and about and regularly bought them in bulk (3 for 2 in Boots etc).
Re: Worst buy for baby?

A bit of both in our case. I've been using cotton wool and water because it's as handy as anything and does the job fine. I usually finish off with a wipe (or even half a wipe since a full one is not usually necessary) just to polish things up. :) I can imagine that the wipes are handier when out and about alright.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

A question for those who use cotton wool & water as opposed to babywipes. Is it because of the cost of baby wipes, or because you don't like them?

I didn't use them at first as I didnt want to use too many chemicals on delicate baby skin. Now I sometimes use them out and about. Nothing to do with the cost, as the cotton wool isnt that cheap anyway.

I had a special baby bath thermometer that I used until a couple of months ago, when V Jnrs aim and strength increased, and thermometer lost the battle.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

I didn't have much cash when mine were babies, so didn't have the chance to purchase anything that wasn't 100% needed; and what I did get was mainly 2nd hand. The only thing that I did get and found wasn't up to much was a 'booster' seat intended to raise a 4/5 year old up higher in the car seat.

My worst buy would be wipes of any description; a washable sponge (only used for bum) and/or cheap face cloths plus some warm water did the trick.

When exclusively b/fed, babies often don't poo for several days, but when they do - they do it big time! On these occasions I would hold baby's bum under the tap in the laundry room sink and rinse off!
Re: Worst buy for baby?

For bathtime I always found these [broken link removed] (once well supervised) to be very handy.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

I have always used a microwave to warm my babies bottles, haven' scaled them yet, doing it for nearly four years.
Some of the worst buys.
1 Sangenic nappy wrapper
2 baby sling
3 Graco three in one system. The car seat was a death trap.
4. Cheap buggy with front wheels that didn't swivel.
5 Anything fancy for them to wear, always induced a vomiting spree.
6 bibs with plastic ties......are too rough on baby delicate skin
7 socks for babies, never ever stay on.
8 Activity tables....have numerous one gathering dust in the shed.
9 mobiles of any kind, if baby likes it you have to keep going in to turn it on again and again.
10 beakers, sippy cups whatever they are claeed have tried them all, impossible to clean and always leak.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

Bamhan said:
worst buys.
1 Sangenic nappy wrapper
Couldn't agree more - 8 years on and I swear I can still smell the unit....even after cleaning.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

ClubMan said:
The sister in law insisted on buying us a set of baby monitors in spite of us not wanting them and the house being small enough that we're hardly going to need them. She thought that c. €50 was too little to be spending and was almost inclined to buy the ones with a built in camera! My main worry was that they'd interfere with my 2.4GHz 802.11 wireless gear or video senders but it turns out that they operate on 49MHz (not 49GHz as Tomy informed me initially). Oh - and yes - they're still in the box.
I guess I'll have to eat my words here - we started using the monitors in the past few days and do find them useful after all... :eek:
Re: Worst buy for baby?

We've found the monitors quite useful, especially for when we're in the garden. The downside is when someone else in the neighbourhood has a baby, and uses the same monitor. We've wound up getting up for someone else's baby because they were on the same channel.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

The danger is that you respond to the monitor all the time, you live by the monitor, I am somewhat guilty of this, but mainly because I play music when he's gone to bed and definitely would not hear anything if I didn't see the lights moving.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

I guess I'll have to eat my words here - we started using the monitors in the past few days and do find them useful after all..
I swore I wouldnt use them either, after first time use, we found it hard to turn it off.
Wait until baby starts turning in the cot and gets hands and feet stuck in the lats (if you have that type of cot), you'll be really glad of the monitor then.
On that, get a baby sleeping bag, both ours have used the same one, needed to keep first one in it until she got out of her turning in the cot stage, for maybe 3-4 months I think. The second one is still in it.

Oscar Wilde :
Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.
Re: Worst buy for baby?

I guess I'll have to eat my words here - we started using the monitors in the past few days and do find them useful after all..

I found I never used a monitor for my oldest daughter but my youngest always liked to sleep on his tummy and my sister gave me her angel moniter which has a pad that you put under the mattress and is attached to a moniter which will beep if the baby stops breathing (more likely when they lie on their tummies!)
Re: Worst buy for baby?

We ended up with a camera after the sound monitors wouldnt work. Very handy, as we can put our daughter to sleep upstairs for her nap and at night and relax downstairs ourselves, keeping an eye on her as needs be. It helps to distinguish between the normal noisy sleep sounds she makes and the 'I'm up, come and get me' sounds.