How much do you swear?

**** me, I swear all the ******* time. ******* love it!

Have to confess I swear like a sailor too!

I try to be good in front of kids.
I've decided to start putting money into a swear box.
Should have enough for a holiday soon!
I have NEVER heard a people swear as much as the Irish swear but (down here at least) the word of choice seems to be Feck and that isn't really considered a it? :confused:

Must admit, since starting my wee job in a local shop I have started using that word a lot too. Since it forms part of the basic vocabulary amongst my co workers it easily slipped in.

I never swear infront of customers, or children where ever I am. I probably let the side down because if I DO swear (that F word), I apologise!!

On a night out with my bosses in my other job, I accidently let a swear out...apologised immediatly and one of them sat back and said "You swore!!...we're so proud!"
When I worked offshore, swearing was cumpulsory.

On my first day off, Mrs Jock had to remind me a few times that I was in gentler company.

Now I seldom swear, even when she's out of earshot.
I'm getting threatened with being torn an extra posterior orifice at the moment by herself for my swearing.

Our small daughter is just starting to talk and repeating what she hears so maybe the boss has a point!

Going to tone it down at home but will still feel free to rant, rave and swear freely at the wheel.
Do I swear alot? Well to put it in perspective - the mods deleted an earlier post I had on this due to overuse of asterisks!!! ;)