Do people keep a weapon in the bedroom?

For a number of years I owned a licensed shotgun which resided in the attic space about 10 feet from my bed. Many's the time I wondered if I found a burglar in my house in the middle of the night would I use it on him. I came to the conclusion that I definitely would albeit from a distance and aimed low. I think that if you break into someones house in the middle of the night to steal their hard-earned possessions then you deserve what you get regardless.

Thankfully I was never put to the test and, due to my move abroad, I disposed of the gun to a gun dealer.
Oh... and anybody who watched Cracking Crime on RTE last night would be crazy not to have a weapon for self defence. Poor 68 year old man who dragged from his own bed, beaten to a pulp and tied to his banisters. Poor man went into a coma and died.

Indeed, was very very sad. In my opinion, the intruder doesn't have to have a weapon in order to be a serious threat, the very fact that they are there means that they are out to cause harm - fists are a very valid weapon as shown on Cracking crime last night.
I wonder what ratio of all baseball bats purchased are actually used to play baseball.

I think you've touched on one of the reasons for the popularity of the baseball bat as it happens - as it is officially a 'sporting device' (or whatever) it is less likely to be regarded as a weapon should you end up rock'n' rollin'...

In a similar vein, you really can never have too many replacement pickaxe handles around IMO. They go all the time. ;)
I keep a Taser beside my bed. Im not sure how usefull it would be in a confrontation but it gives me some comfort to have it. If i could buy a gun i would. Anyone who breaks into someone else's house should be left with a nasty reminder not to break in again.
For some reason I currently have a tool box under my bed with hammer, pliers, axe, screwer drivers, spirit level (not sure how I could use this). So I'm well protected.
There happens to be a spare leg of a chair being stored under my bed for some reason. Alway handy to have, just don't know what happened the other three . .
I keep a Taser beside my bed. Im not sure how usefull it would be in a confrontation but it gives me some comfort to have it. If i could buy a gun i would. Anyone who breaks into someone else's house should be left with a nasty reminder not to break in again.

Where did you get it?
A few tears back, when living in a different house, I woke up one night to the sound of people breaking in downstairs. I called the police and a few minutes later I went downstairs with an off-cut from a wooden curtain rail (it was heavy and about 60cm long). When I got to the bottom of the stairs I realised that I would a) end up getting killed or b) end up killing someone as I know from experience that once the adrenalin kicks in the primitive part of the brain takes over and you keep hitting ‘till the other guy stops moving. I would have no real problem injuring or even killing someone who broke into my home but I know that I would become a target for their friends/family and the police would be their usual useless selves. Because of the above I made lots of noise and the two guys in the living room exited through the window that they entered through.

Two and a half hours the police arrived from the local station which was a 3-5 minute drive away. They rang the doorbell and asked if we had reported intruders in the house. When I answered yes they asked if they were still there. I said yes, they were having a cup of tea in the kitchen to which one of them replied “don’t be so f’ing smart”.

Next time I won’t bother calling them.

Despite the above I don't keep a weapon in the bedroom but would head for the kitchen and the big sharp knives if it happened again.
We have a couple of [broken link removed], better than any baseball bat ! Also have 2 of these in the house, upstairs and know how to use them too.
Meant to post this yonks ago but does anyone know if you can legally (or otherwise) get pepper spray/mace in Ireland.

It ticks all the boxes - easy to "administer" as no physique required and can apply from some sort of distance (ok not much), non lethal, doesnt cause lasting harm, couldnt get used on you in terms of killing you (AFAIK). So definitely no reluctance in using it and couldnt really over-do it (while "Anto" would be well deserving of the baseball bat, you could end up killing him and I dont think anyone wants that, well I dont anyway).

I'd be interested as do a bit of caravanning (used to do camping), and it feels very vulnerable as compared to a house.
So definitely no reluctance in using it and couldnt really over-do it (while "Anto" would be well deserving of the baseball bat, you could end up killing him and I dont think anyone wants that, well I dont anyway).
Pepper spray in the face and then "bate" away 'till your hearts content with the baseball bat.
Baseball bat hidden behind a chest of drawers.

Dog in the sitting room as early warning system.
There is only one weapon in my bedroom and I dont wield it as often as I'd like. But when I do, the earth moves....yeehaw !!

I stand to be corrected but my understanding of the current law is that you should retreat and put one door between you and the intruder. If they come through that door then you may start swinging the bat.

Personally, I don't like a baseball bat or golf club. There is no room to swing either in a hallway where you are likely to meet the intruder. Blows should come from above the head and be aimed down on the shoulder area. You can't do that with a baseball bat. Well not if you're 6'3".

A 5/6 cell maglite resting on your shoulder is the best thing. You are then ready to strike down and hard for the shoulder/elbow area. It is also not a weapon of offense if you do end up in a court of law. Afterall, you smashed his collar bone with a torch!!

I spent my college years working night security in some dodgy parts of Dublin. The maglite came in handy...
IYou can't do that with a baseball bat. Well not if you're 6'3".

A 5/6 cell maglite resting on your shoulder is the best thing. You are then ready to strike down and hard for the shoulder/elbow area. It is also not a weapon of offense if you do end up in a court of law. Afterall, you smashed his collar bone with a torch!!

I spent my college years working night security in some dodgy parts of Dublin. The maglite came in handy...

You are quite scary.... but in a good way.;)