Do people keep a weapon in the bedroom?

Terrible problems swinging a baseball bat in a corridor or hallway.

The trick you mention makes it sound like you need a Bat'leth (the weapon the Klingons like to use) - at least you get stabbing action on both ends with one of those.

Swing it upwards from the side, aim for the brain but land it in the crotch area!!:eek:
I would feel incredibly vulnerable facing down an intruder if I was in my bare feet. I have this horrible feeling that I'd be busy lacing up my brogues while the intruder is working his way through the house. I'd also feel incredibly vulnerable knowing that the kids are in different rooms. I'd really want to get everyone into one room first.

I wonder if many people have considered the possibility that;
a) the bad guys may well have weapon(s) too
b) the bad guys may be more experienced and practiced at fighting in the dark
c) the bad guys might well have disconnected the landline at the convenient box that Eircom provides outside your house.
I would feel incredibly vulnerable facing down an intruder if I was in my bare feet. I have this horrible feeling that I'd be busy lacing up my brogues while the intruder is working his way through the house. I'd also feel incredibly vulnerable knowing that the kids are in different rooms. I'd really want to get everyone into one room first.

I wonder if many people have considered the possibility that;
a) the bad guys may well have weapon(s) too
b) the bad guys may be more experienced and practiced at fighting in the dark
c) the bad guys might well have disconnected the landline at the convenient box that Eircom provides outside your house.

I agree with all of this.

Plus, if the break in is opportunistic, then god knows what kind of drink or drug crazed scum bag you might be facing.
On the other hand, if the break in is the result of someone casing the house out, likely they are hardened criminals who are prepared for the possibility of confronting the people in the house.

Neither situation is one in which Id feel confident of my ability to win the showdown.
I agree with all of this.

Plus, if the break in is opportunistic, then god knows what kind of drink or drug crazed scum bag you might be facing.
On the other hand, if the break in is the result of someone casing the house out, likely they are hardened criminals who are prepared for the possibility of confronting the people in the house.

Neither situation is one in which Id feel confident of my ability to win the showdown.
which reminds me of a further point for my list;

d) the bad guys know where you live, regardless of the outcome of this particular incident.
i need to get some sports equpment for our bedroom i think...

what about having one of those tins of air freshner where the spray comes out the top? If you're close enough to hit them with a weapon you could blind and choke them first with..lavender, or summer fruits or something? then whack the bejaysus out of them.

All i have at the moment is a few heavy items at the top of the spiral stairs that i plan to flatten them with. large plant pots etc.

i probably wouldn't injure them fatally but i'd try to incapacitate them and them tie them up so tight they'd get gangrene where they didn't even know they had body parts..
what about having one of those tins of air freshner where the spray comes out the top? If you're close enough to hit them with a weapon you could blind and choke them first with..lavender, or summer fruits or something? then whack the bejaysus out of them.

Perfume or aftershave in the eye is a seriously painful experience. Tried and tested when as a toddler I picked up a bottle and sprayed some in my eye by accident.
An ordinary house is crammed full of ordinary objects which can be used as defensive weapons whether it be that glass of water next to the bed or a heavy lampshade. The intruder will also have the same opportunities of finding something capable of being used as a weapon.
If I had kids in the house then all bets would be off. I'd do whatever I had to do to make sure there was no attraction for the scumbag in returning. Maybe it's an urban myth but I've heard that some burglars return again and again to a house if they find it easy to rob.
I think the issue here is:

The intruders fled when help arrived at the house in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, but the brothers chased and caught one

I would be quite happy to see the f***ers gone out the door and never see them again. I can see why it didnt hold up in court.