Lose and loose

at least they weren't apologising for the "incontinence". :eek:

One of my favourites of all time was a nicely laminated sign in local shop's pastry section which requested customers to "please use thong's to handle bun's". Not even on craggy island...

One of my favourites of all time was a nicely laminated sign in local shop's pastry section which requested customers to "Please use thong's to handle bun's". Not even on Craggy Island...
Its frustrating when I read things such as 'it's experience includes abc...' 90% of the population get this wrong so much so I even question myself at times :confused:
I've probably said it before but there is (or at least was) a mobile phone shop in Kells, Co Meath with the proudly displayed sign: Now Your Talking.

Also The Phoenix pub in Park St, Dundalk has two signs and one of them says Pheonix.

Typing on a forum is one thing but professionally made signs?!
I was at the Horse Show at the weekend, and there was something on sale there that would help a person to "breath more easily", according to the beautiful, professionally-printed sign :p
There is a box of mint humbug's sitting on the table in front of me as I type this. Its emblazoned in huge letters across the side of the box.
I'm always quoting this one on AAM about a shop along the quays in Dublin some years ago who had a large awning spread across the width of the shop with very large lettering A C C O M O D A T I O N. I can't understand why when someone is going to make something like this that they wouldn't check the spelling.

I've also seen many headstones with incorrect spelling. Not too easy to correct those.
Oh, and I forgot about the hardware shop down the road that went to the trouble of having a neon sign made that announces key's cut.
Gonna sound really dumb here but i dont get the key's cut one?

Haven't actually got many of them to be honest. Every sentance i write has something wrong with it. Englsih grammer and spelling is not my strong point!
I think errant apostrophes are the problem . There's a shop in Lanzarote called Candles' . It sells, yes candles. But where or why is the need for the ' at the end ? I long to jump up and pull it down some night or report it to this crowd
oops at you poor people having to read my posts. Does that rule apply for everything? I've always remember the i before e but not after c rule. What the rule for words changing from y to ies?

Is there a website anywhere that can tell you the basic dos ( i want to put a ' between the o and the s ) and donts when it comes to grammer?

Usually I can get away with my spelling by googling it, but it doesn't help wth my grammer. How i ever got a C+ in english i'll never know. Think they felt sorry for me.

Edit: I really should look at links before i reply. That one graham 07 put up is very good, have you got any more like that?
With apostrophes and the letter S I think a lot of people get confused over the possessive as in "John's dog" or "James' dog" and also with contractions as in "There's a cheap holiday on the paper" for "There is".
With apostrophes and the letter S I think a lot of people get confused over the possessive as in "John's dog" or "James' dog" and also with contractions as in "There's a cheap holiday on the paper" for "There is".

I hate it when people say there is a cheap holiday 'on the paper' instead of 'in the paper'. ;)
oops at you poor people having to read my posts. Does that rule apply for everything? I've always remember the i before e but not after c rule.

Hate to wreck your buzz but they have actually don't teach the 'i' before 'e' rule anymore because there were way too many exceptions. It was a nice rhyme but that was about it!
I hate it when people say there is a cheap holiday 'on the paper' instead of 'in the paper'. ;)

I hate both.

I usually say "There appears to be the option of a restful excursion at less than prohibitive costs according to this journal or periodical"

Hate to wreck your buzz but they have actually don't teach the 'i' before 'e' rule anymore because there were way too many exceptions. It was a nice rhyme but that was about it!

Maybe thats why my spelling is still so bad lol cause I always use that rule. Typical the only one that i did remember is the one that doesn't really help me.