Usernames on AAM


Registered User
There are some cool anonymous usernames on AAM. Why did people pick their unique username?

Mine is from the Steiner character in the Sam Peckinpah WW2 movie "Cross of Iron".
I couldn't think of anything good at the time. I think I saw something purple or something.
Combination of a backpacker car name (Betsy) and the wish to Oirish it up a bit (Og). Some people assume I'm female ..... no, still ...errr....hanging in there. Still though, does anyone really know a "Betsy" who is overground/still with us/alive??

Not my finest moment but we'll struggle on at this stage.
Everyone thinks mine is from my drinking days with J.R. but it used to be one of my daughter's much liked :)
I used to make up long, rambling bedtime stories for the kids when they were young.

LF was the main character in quite a few of them (and always the hero!!!!!) ;)
@ my favourite lex: Seems we have a lot in common ~ heroes and heroines n stuff:)

Couldn't think of one,looked around the study and saw a painting on the wall by Graham Knuttel (added the extra L by accident)
Couldn't think of one,looked around the study and saw a painting on the wall by Graham Knuttel (added the extra L by accident)

An original was it?, ohh I say, very posh. :) If I did the same I'd have called myself Iron Maiden .... which would do nothing to sort the gender confusion issue!!!