Most Handsome Men of the Century


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Brad Pitt before he hooked up with Angelina
Josh Holloway (Saywer from Lost)
Alexander Skarsgard (Eric from True Blood)
Sean Connery - at any age
Jeff Goldblum
Dolph Lundgren
Hugh Jackman by far.... especially in the desert scene in the film Australia..... *sighs*

And not forgetting our ... Patrick Dempsey.... (he deserved that little pause there before i typed his name)
Is it not more or less the law amongst women that Brad is the best pretty boy ever but that Sean is the sexiest?

I mean you'll get your odd Clooney and Brosnan, maybe even the odd Newman or Redford, but really, I'm right aren't I?
Christian Bale.

Oh and Id personally watch Vin Diesel reading his laundry list out on screen (preferably while walking away from the camera naked) but Id consider him more one night stand than relationship material :)
ooooh - i nearly forgot my absolute favourite!!

Captain Malcolm Reynolds!!

The actor is Nathan Fillion - but its the character Im in love with.
Brad Pitt before he hooked up with Angelina
Josh Holloway (Saywer from Lost)
Alexander Skarsgard (Eric from True Blood)
Sean Connery - at any age
Jeff Goldblum
Dolph Lundgren


He is delicious

I have also developed a strange fancying of Louis from Fair City
My other half likes Sean Connery , the fella from Bones, Colin Firth, Patrick Dempsey, George Clooney, Julian McMahon and Dominic West. I think that's about it.

She has a big thing for Colin Firth and wet shirts. Personally I don't get it.;)