Key Post Key Posts and useful links

Brendan Burgess

Topical issues

Advice for people facing court repossession proceedings

What to do if you get a letter saying your mortgage is unsustainable

There is no legal defence of reckless lending

Apartment too small for my family - what are our options?

How we got a negative equity trade up from EBS ajk24 Nov 2013

Can I force the bank to allow me to sell my home in negative equity?

"I can't afford my mortgage protection policy anymore, can I cancel it?"

Bank is allowing me to sell but wants to convert the shortfall into an unsecured loan

How to analyse an offer of a split mortgage

Key posts on insolvency and bankruptcy

Does my debt just disappear after 6 years?

Using the ISI's Expenses Guidelines in discussions with your mortgage lender

Summary table of Reasonable Living Expense from the Insolvency Service
Married couples, unmarried couples, their property and debt problems

Personal Insolvecny Arrangements

Insolvency Service Case Study shows a PIA lasting only 4 months

Voting rights on a PIA

How the clawback in a PIA works

Mortgage Arrears

How to calculate Mortgage Interest Supplement by gipimann
Court procedure for debt cases by Time
"Capitalizing arrears"explained October 2012
[broken link removed]
The impact of different mortgage restructuring options Brendan Burgess August 2011

If you can't meet your mortgage repayments...

[broken link removed] from the Irish Banking Federation from the Citizens Information Bureau and MABS

I want to sell my house in negative equity

Splitting up with a joint mortgage and negative equity

Should I keep or sell my investment property in negative equity?

The Statute of Limitations on debts and judgments


A good spreadsheet for budgeting

How to cut your day to day expenditure

How best to deal with MBNA if you can't meet the repayments

You can insist that the Credit Union sets your shares against your outstanding loan

What to do if you are struggling with an HP agreement

Useful links

MABS (Money Matters - Ulster Bank's guide to managing debt) - a very good guide for anyone facing problems with their mortgage.

The Economiser - a new spending calculator from the National Consumer


Car finance and repossession
Credit card debt
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An interesting post on the (UK) website about how much money some people unwittingly pour down the drain each year in defunct but uncancelled DDs, insurance premiums, etc. and other overlooked 'money pits'. Most of it is equally valid in an Irish context.