Yahoo's mail search


Registered User
Has anyone noticed that Yahoo's mail search is completely rubbish of late? It has been my mail mail for years, but I am thinking of changing now the useless search facility has rendered my mail account useless!
It wasn't always this bad. But lately it can't find anything I am searching for, but when I search for it myself it is there as plain as day.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Yes - it's bloody annoying and so I upgraded to Yahoo mail premium so I could download and search mails in Thunderbird.

Eh rubbish - try just not working.

Up till a few weeks ago it was fine, as good as anything else I've used.

Now - even if I search for my own name or something that I know is in there it can't find it.
Have you complained to Yahoo?

If you don't tell (send) them your problem, they wont know there is one ;) It's alway easy to jump straight to the decision to change to a different provider but it might be just as much hassle to do this as sending off the form (link above) to get this problem fixed. Afterall you would have to move all your emails and contact people to tell them your new address. Considering you're quite some time with Yahoo Mail now and you were a happy chap in the past, it might be worth considering just sending off the form. If the postman left a letter for you at your neighbors would you move houses or complain to the post? :)

The search works for me by the way, the "Sent" Folder doesn't, so whenever I am looking for a sent email I am typing into the search facility the name of the person I sent the email to and email copies appear. It worked so far.
I have mailed them. I agree that it would be a lot of hassle to change mail account. I am just hoping that if enough people kick up a fuss about it that they might get the message and fix it!!
Do you need to upgrade to the premium account just to be able to use Thunderbird ? Seems strange to me...
I think (or at least I hope, considering that's what I did!) that you have to upgrade in order to download your emails via POP to a desktop application. Only prob is that it only downloaded my inbox directly, not the 6 years of previous mails that i had already stashed in folders, which I had to move manually. The advantage is that you can leave the mails on the yahoo server plus also work from them (once downloaded) on the laptop even if you don't have a web connection. Also easier for sorting/searching and you can open saved outlook mails (i.e. just saved emails from a harddrive), which you can't do in Yahoo.

Funny guys. They sent me a survey today so I could tell them how they did.
My response will be something like this:
"Well guys, you sent me an email. Well done. Any chance you might actually fix the problem?"
just a heads up that I think it's fixed - at least mine is working at the moment.

Thanks for the heads up, but mine is still broken. I mailed them again about it, and have started responding to people from hotmail instead of yahoo. Mail without search is practically useless!