Xmas Present for Husband


Registered User
I'd like to know what the men on here would like their spouse to buy them for Christmas. Let's say anything from 20 Euro to 500. Any wife who knows what she's getting her other half please do tell. And to all who received 'wow' presents in the past please also post. I have a fair idea of what I'm buying, just not sure if he'll like it.
I am thinking of buying my hubby a garmin nuvi 660fm sat nav. The reason for going for this model is that it will give him hands free calling from his mobile. Its €460 in halfords. (Also thinking of buying one for my Dad as well)
I got my boyfriend a half day rally driving voucher for his birthday and he loved it! it was €250 and he's quite into driving and cars.
Friend of mine is sending her hubby to the Dublin Cookery School for a short course in cooking! I went on a course there recently and thought it was brilliant! They run courses for men only. Have a look at their website www.dublincookeryschool.ie. Might be an idea that benefits you AND the hubby!
Friend of mine is sending her hubby to the Dublin Cookery School for a short course in cooking! I went on a course there recently and thought it was brilliant! They run courses for men only. Have a look at their website www.dublincookeryschool.ie. Might be an idea that benefits you AND the hubby!

If my wife bought me that for Xmas she wouldn't be my wife for much longer.
Last Xmas Missus Banker got me a season ticket to my local LOI team. Needless to say, she earned my undying love.
Best present I got from my present wife was a 30GB MP3 player with FM radio for commuting and walking. I spent weeks keeping out of her way and not interrupting the housework, ironing and washing-up converting all my old vinyl records from the attic and CD's to MP3. It made me very happy :)
I'm bringing my bf to Rome in January for a weekend break, he has everything! But has never been to Rome so reckoned it was a good surprise, I'm going to wrap up a jar of dolmio, pasta and try find a plastic colloseum (pardon spelling??) so he'll have to figure out where we are going :)
If he's got an mp3 player, how about an mp3 broadcast thingy for the car, the generic version of the i-trip. (if he doesnt have an ipod).
im buying Mr SS floating candles.... well... he thought it was ok to buy them for me when he was on a round-the-world trip just recently!!!:mad: floating candles, I ask you!!!! mangey mutt..!
i think you have every right to go one step further and 'regift' the floating candles he brought back for you and give him those for xmas :D
Car you said 'If he's got an mp3 player, how about an mp3 broadcast thingy for the car, the generic version of the i-trip. (if he doesnt have an ipod).'

He has an ipod nano, if what you are talking about above a different thing?

Is there a way of getting the ipod nano to play in the car? I was thinking of getting him speakers, something called a logic 3 i station 8 (based on reading on AABM but I really haven't a clue.

Clubman - don't mind you moving the post but now it doesn't show up in new posts so I missed the replies
a nice t-shirt with "It's all about me" written on it which he can wear when cleaning the house !
How about hiring a maid? Or, if you can't afford that, then get the t-shirt modified. "It's all about me...(on the front bit) with "being a big girls blouse" (on the back bit.....)

Life is too short for house work.