would she get jobseeeks benefit?


Registered User

a friend of mine booked a holiday a few weeks ago. in the past she never had any problems getting time off from work so didnt' think to check with them before booking + paying for hol?

Now her work have said she can't have the time off. she's decided she's going to go anway and is planning to leave her job(she hasn't been happy there for a while anyway) . she wants to claim jobseekers benefit when she returns while she decides what she wants to do? would this be considered a valid reason for leaving her job by social welfare?
If not, could they refuse her claim altogether or just delay it for 9 weeks?
The could delay he payment by up to 9 weeks if they don't consider this just cause for leaving the job. Otherwise the normal qualification criteria for Jobseeker's Benefit (in particular PRSI contribution history) and Jobseeker's Assistance (in particular means test) as outlined on www.welfare.ie apply.