Would I be better off working in NI?


Registered User
I have the opportunity of a new job in N.I. I am confused as to whether I should go for it. At the moment my job requires lots of overseas travel whereas the new one wouldn't be. This has it's advantages as I have a young family.

My current slary is 66k here. The new job is offering around 48-50k Stg.

The new job would give a better quality of life but less money.

Can anyone tell me how I would fare out in the tax area? I am currently PAYE and I think the new job would be PAYE UK. I would be living in the South and commuting.
Based on a salary if £50,000, you would pay UK tax of roughly £10,000 and National Insurance Contributions of £4,280. This is only a rough calculation.

Please note that as a resident of Ireland you will be liable to Irish tax on your UK earned income, but will get a credit for any UK tax paid, therefore you will end up paying the Irish rate of tax on your income.

However, if you satisfy certain conditions, you may be able to claim trans-border relief to minimise your Irish liability.

The calculations are complex, and I would suggest you get advice as to whether or not you will qualify and what your overall tax position would be.

If you work there, then I suggest you live there. There are other benefits like free doctor visits etc which you would be entitled to as well.

My hubby works in NI and we live in the south, the wages are lower and you pay higher tax and national insurance up north but the wages you mention seem very good for the north. It does cause some complications with the tax end of things as you should be taxed through your payslip but will still have to submit a form 12 to the irish revenue we are currently waiting to hear back from revenue to see if we owe them anything for 2008. On the plus side you can register with doctor and dentist up north and I think you kids can also. With regards to the travelling end of things we have a good friend who took redundancy last year from a good paying job but he had to travel throughout europe and further afield on a weekly basis he hated living out of a suitcase it took him a while to get used to staying at home and being with the kids but after a couple of months loves the extra time at home with wife and kids and has no regrets. HTH