Working from home options:


Registered User
Just a quick query:

We are moving house shortly and will be living in a rural area. My son will be at school during the day and I'm looking for ideas for working from home for my better half. Something she could do to work around him being at school.

All options considered, just trying to get a feel for the type of jobs people may be doing from home.
How about childminding? And doing school run for other parents and perhaps minding kids after school?
Thanks Deefox,

However the area is quite rural and there's not that many other kids around to be minded!
It depends what your better half wants (and is qualified) to do. Many companies will allow people to work from home (in fact, my present company strongly encourages it). Best thing is to call as many friends and contacts as possible and say that a job is required.
Worked mainly in restaurant trade and is currently a restaurant manager. Is computer literate, but no college background.
To be honest childminding is the best bet if you need the extra money, and still want to provide a parent-at-home type of environment for your child. People who work for companies from home usually started out working on site and then got permission to move their work home. Unless it's something like working as sales reps for The Book People, or Avon cosmetics or similar companies which would require a fair bit of travel to neighbouring towns etc the choices are pretty limited. There is a website not entirely sure what they can offer except support for your own small business ideas.
if your wife is handy with a sewing machine she could do alterations, hemming, curtains etc. I know lots of ladies in rural areas doing just that. Word gets out, no need to advertise.