Work Permit Q




My firm is trying to fill a vacancy for a number of months despite the use of press advertising/recruitment agencies.

A foreign national applied and has turned out to be absolutely perfect for the position. Problem is that his student visa to work/study in Ireland expires in December.

I have applied to FAs for a work permit (which is the process to be followed prior to the issuing of same through the Dept of Ent, Trade & Emp). However Fas have advsied me that it is a Clerical Position and is not eligible for a work permit as plenty of Irish/EU nationals could do the job. (For which none have applied)!!

Yet on last nights RTE News there was a report about Indian Waiters on a work permit being exploited by their employer.

Why is a waiter an eligible position for a work permit?? Surely loads of IRish/Eu antionals coudl do this job?

Surely loads of IRish/Eu antionals coudl do this job?

Perhaps while many Irish/EU nationals could do the job you may find that few of them would, possibly because there are arguably more attractive opportunities out there?
It is possible that the person being exploited as a waiter is on a different type of work permit

eg: studying english and is entitled to work as a student up to 20 hours per week

See if your new employee can study to learn english in one of the language schools, it costs about €600 to enroll and then they can work 20 hours per week

A contradiction?<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--> wrote -
<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->about -<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->a report about Indian Waiters on a work permit
Now, this tacticis why work permits are being restricted.<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->How O'rish!
Before someone blames me on either exploiting foreign employess or the opposite and suporting work permit fraud

I would like to point out I was only stating what I think the rules where

I do not have an opinion on how they are enforced
