will the tax man mark my card

  • Thread starter rustymeskell
  • Start date


I have visited some sites with regard to the letting of ones nest to the invading golfing hoardes from AMERIKA.Is it possible that the revenue will deploy its forces to monitior who is doing so and as a result go after them.... I read somewhere that this concept is a runner... advice appreciated
If you are going to rent out property, make sure you are aware of the (potential) tax issues. You could avail of the rent a room expemption whereby you can earn approx. €7,200 tax free as long as you continue to reside in the house.

No-one will (be allowed) to advise you on schemes to evade tax on AAM, if that is what you are after.
If you are married and if you or your spouse are not working you or your spouse (non working) can earn up to 7,450 (PAYE tax credit) before you pay tax.
PAYE credit only applies to employees in employment - it can not be claimed to shelter other income, eg rental income