Will Revenue have copy of submitted Form 11 from 2010


Registered User
Long story summarised - my wife had a rental property and submitted a Form 11 in 2010 (before we were married) where she made a loss on her rental income.

In the relevant section it states to put down 0.00 if a loss is incurred.
206. Amount of chargeable income after expenses but before Capital Allowances and losses (if a loss show 0.00)

We became jointly assessed in 2011, and I submitted all details to the accountant. However, her balancing statement did not show the loss, and therefore it was not offset against rental profits made in 2011.

I only became aware of this recently (my wife had been told by someone there was no relief on losses), and am wondering:
1. How can we get a copy of the Form 11 submitted in 2010 to see what the losses were. My wife no longer has the exact details at hand, only the balancing statement
2. Would the Revenue look at paying this out, given it relates to 2010 or would they simply tell us - too late !!

Any thoughts would be welcome....