Wii: dumb question


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As AAM is the only forum, I can access from work ..

What's the difference between a nunchuck and a controller ?

I understand that a controller is required to use the Wii, but is a nunchuck required or is it a choice ?
- what does the nunchuck do that the controller does not ?
- if holding a nunchuck, do you also have to hold the controller too ?

The nunchuck plugs into the end of the controller and is used in some games (sometimes it's only optional in some games). I think a nunchuck usually comes with the controller when you buy it but I could be wrong.

For games like boxing you would use the controller in one hand and the nunchuck in the other and then start boxing. It's used for something else in wii fit but I can't remember what. I don't think you ever use the nunchuck without the controller.
as above. The nunchuck gets power from the main controller, plus any signal back to the console (through infra red) goes through the main controller. So a nunchuck without the main controller won't function.
You get the NunChuck and Wii Fitness with the basic Kit.

All games, and the WII are region encoded. I have one from North America and It works fine as long as you buy a 220v to 110v transformer.

The Wii also connects to your WIFI, so now I can access the news and weather in North America but not Europe.