Why is there a Labour Shortage?

I'm surprised that people can't think of any scenarios or conditions where someone with a legitimate asylum claim may not be able to produce documents. War, famine, political persecution, trafficking, etc. are not optimal conditions for planning and executing travel. There were punters on my flight from the UK today who seemed to have lost half of their belongings going from check-in to the gate.
80% to 90% of the bogus AS arriving in Ireland are arriving from the UK, not from war or famine.

They are not persecuted, they are economic migrants, who often have willingly decided to pay criminals to help get them here.

They are not innocent victims.

They have chosen to engage criminals, and pay those criminals, to help them get here.
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They used to hand out PPSNs like smarties, that created 'other issues'.

Okay, so forget the PPS number, and put another arrangement in place, to permit people to work on a PAYE bases. Let's not get distracted from the need to get more people into the workforce, and particularly, into the lower wage roles...
I'm surprised that people can't think of any scenarios or conditions where someone with a legitimate asylum claim may not be able to produce documents. War, famine, political persecution, trafficking, etc. are not optimal conditions for planning and executing travel. There were punters on my flight from the UK today who seemed to have lost half of their belongings going from check-in to the gate.
You can't get on an aeroplane without a passport or national identity card.
Anyway, immigrants, legal or illegal, are not the reason we have a labour shortage.
Our welfare system encourages under employment.
Our high marginal income tax rates at moderate incomes encourages under employment.
Those tax rates coupled with high childcare costs encourages under employment, especially amongst women and they are generally the most educated.
They used to hand out PPSNs like smarties, that created 'other issues'.
In Canada they have temporary ppsn numbers for temporary workers and working holiday visa holders, this system should be introduced here , on their system immediately from the social insurance number they can see if it is a temporary one and then check the expiry date easily. Therefore if asylum applications are granted these numbers they will expire Therefore stopping failed applications disappearing into the black economy because only genuine and successful applicants will ultimately be granted a permanent one.
No, but they can help solve it....

I agree with the other points made, btw
Immigrants are an absolutely critical part of our economy. They feed the multinational sector with the labour we locals can’t supply and the MNC sector contributes 60% of our total tax take.
But you could also solve/mitigate it by subsidised childcare targeted at sectors of the economy where there are labour shortages.
You could also do it by just reducing the higher marginal tax rate (PRSI, PAYE USC) which is over 50% on medium to high incomes.