Why is our press ignoring home-grown terrorism?


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So I understand it’s important to report on the irishtimes.com / independent.ie / rte.ie that there has been a terror attack in Stockholm.

But what I can’t understand is that not at least the same amount of columns is used to report last nights attempted terror attack in Swords, which was averted by the Army Bomb disposal team.

Only breakingnews.ie seams to report about this.

Is the fact that someone tried to kill people with a viable device in Ireland no longer important?

Where is the investigative reports on this, why is Sweden more important to the press than Swords?

Or is it that we are just so used to find viable devices in our country that we just shrug it off and continue being interested in other things?
that in Swords to be honest looks more like a friendly warning to the club owners, they are probably using the wrong supplier of whatever.

how can you compare that and what happened in Sweden?
that in Swords to be honest looks more like a friendly warning to the club owners, they are probably using the wrong supplier of whatever.

how can you compare that and what happened in Sweden?

????? Wrong supplier! I think you might be slightly exaggerating there.
I read about this in The Sunday Times and the Irish Times had the story on their website.

Why do you refer to this as terrorism ? What terrrorists were behind it and what were their demands ? Maybe it was just some local dispute.

Bad publicity for The Wright Venue two days running.
????? Wrong supplier! I think you might be slightly exaggerating there.

Just a guess, not explicitly saying drugs, it could be anything, they put a primed device in front of some premises I assume a message was being sent or a retaliation being exacted. I really don't think it was terrorism, unless some extremists are targeting dancing and the craic in the norhtside?
I read about this in The Sunday Times and the Irish Times had the story on their website.

Why do you refer to this as terrorism ? What terrrorists were behind it and what were their demands ? Maybe it was just some local dispute.

Bad publicity for The Wright Venue two days running.

Well maybe if the press would provide as much coverage and insight as they bring into acts of terror in other countries than we would know what this was.

Independent if this was an attempt to get the owners to change their drink supplier or some crazy organisation's violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), it's certainly worth more than just a short line.

wavejumper said:
that in Swords to be honest looks more like a friendly warning to the club owners, they are probably using the wrong supplier of whatever.

how can you compare that and what happened in Sweden?

Why can't I compare it? Just because there were 2 injuired in Sweden but none in Swords? Just because in Sweden the device went off, but here we were lucky enough to get it under controll before it created massive injury?

wavejumper said:
Just a guess, not explicitly saying drugs, it could be anything, they put a primed device in front of some premises I assume a message was being sent or a retaliation being exacted. I really don't think it was terrorism, unless some extremists are targeting dancing and the craic in the norhtside?

There are those who target dancing and those who target shopping.

It is however a sign of times, when a viable device is found that we think it's a criminal gang behind it that does want to influence purchasing contracts. Bad times for everybody it seams, even criminals need to get more extreme to get their contracts/hush money?

People narrowly escaped a major incident and we just shrug it off as criminals, maybe years of IRA have just made us a little more resilient than in other countries.
The Irish media just harvest stories from UK papers and they don't even do it very well (the indo just copy and paste, the Irish Times use their own words. The coverage of international stories by our mediais dire, ignoring whole wars and regions, so they only call it terroeism if the Uk papers have used the term.
I can tell you that it was nothing to do with wrong suppliers. The device was meant for one of the security staff there, over trouble he had with some scumbags. I know this because I know people that work there.
I can tell you that it was nothing to do with wrong suppliers. The device was meant for one of the security staff there, over trouble he had with some scumbags. I know this because I know people that work there.

Which proves the point made a few times in this thread that is was a criminal act and not terrorism.

I saw it covered in the press a number of times. Didn't think it was played down at all.

I know I am stating the obvious, but the coverage that any story gets in the press depends on its relative importance compared to other stories that day and the editors impressions of how important it is.
Some crimes get heavier coverage because it is a slow news day. Happens all the time.
Which proves the point made a few times in this thread that is was a criminal act and not terrorism.

I saw it covered in the press a number of times. Didn't think it was played down at all.

I know I am stating the obvious, but the coverage that any story gets in the press depends on its relative importance compared to other stories that day and the editors impressions of how important it is.
Some crimes get heavier coverage because it is a slow news day. Happens all the time.

Yes, most definitely a criminal act.