Why don't we put our prisoners to work?


Registered User
Politically incorrect it may be, but why don't we put our prison community to work? They could maintain public spaces, work on the roads etc, etc. The prison service could charge the government for their services and the whole system would/could become self-supporting. The government could save a fortune on otherwise out-sourced contracts and really make these lads and lassies give back to the communities they offended.
Politically incorrect it may be, but why don't we put our prison community to work? They could maintain public spaces, work on the roads etc, etc. The prison service could charge the government for their services and the whole system would/could become self-supporting. The government could save a fortune on otherwise out-sourced contracts and really make these lads and lassies give back to the communities they offended.

AFAIK it costs almost €2,000 per week to lock someone up.

I doubt very much they could make that much money in a week to pay it back.

I do however agree they should be put to work or at least given a chance to make good their misdeeds it would probably benefit the convicts while they are at it.
because there not enough work to go around for those on the outside at the moment!
I see where you're coming from but maybe a ready supply of cheap unskilled/skilled labour would actually stimulate employment in the larger community. After all it would be a wage bill which the government would no longer have to foot thus allowing them to employ and pay otherwise unemployed professionals such as architects, engineers, QSs etc.
AFAIK it costs almost €2,000 per week to lock someone up.

I doubt very much they could make that much money in a week to pay it back.

They wouldn't necessarily have to 'earn' that much to mitigate some of the cost of having them 'banged-up'. Anything they contributed would, at least, alleviate some of the bill for their incarceration to the tax-payer.

Chain-gangs do actually exist in many countries and for a reason.
USA for a start.

I think it's crazy not to have them working to pay for their keep.
I would guess that it would be cost prohibitive when the extra guards, transport and insurance is taken into account
What about productive work within the prisons? There must be plenty that can be done reasonably cost effectively 'on site' as it were.
I'd love to see them work to be honest, but given the red tape and possible compo claims and also the minimum wage that would have to be paid etc it's probably not worth it.
What about productive work within the prisons? There must be plenty that can be done reasonably cost effectively 'on site' as it were.

We might end up with skilled and rehabilitated people leaving prison as productive members of society... no, that'll never catch on :rolleyes:
I think this is a fantastic idea.

It gives the prisioners something to do, the contact with animals would possibly be theraputic for them and poor people benefit from the gifts.

The should definitely learn a skill so they can work and be productive when they come out. To much time an emphasis placed on gym, TV and playstations - not enough rehabilitation.
What's wrong with chain gangs? A superb idea in my opinion. Whilst we're at it let them grow their own food too. Both chain gangs and prison farms are used extensively in Romania.

The problem with applying such a policy in Ireland would be the non-availability of a couple of prison guards with AK47s in case anybody decides to get too clever!

One single sheriff, your friend [broken link removed], has an optional chain gang. No other county in the USA does this.

How is it wrong, you just said they have an optionsl chain gang so i'm right :)