Why are gangsters being informed their lives are at risk?

Sentences should be significantly longer/harsher,there is no deterrent,Murderers are routinely out after 12 years,crimes that should be treated as murder are tried as manslaughter,its depressing how little the victim is considered and that their life meant so little.

Muggers should get a 10 year sentence and serve every day of it.

Rapists and Child abusers should be castrated and given at a minimum 20 years.

Murderers should get life.

Life should mean life,they should be carried out in a pine box with a trapdoor and dropped into a communal grave.

If these sentences were routinely handed down I guarantee crime levels would fall.

I am not concerned with reforming these criminals or looking sympathetically at their backgrounds or any of the rest of that PC nonsense,I just want them off the street and serving a decent sentence that truly reflects their crimes that hopefully will deter them and others and allow the rest of us some peace of mind in our homes,towns and Cities.
Knuttell, can you point to any evidence that harsher sentences reduce crime rates?
The USA has much harsher sentencing policies and the second largest proportion of its population in the penal system of any country in the world and yet it has much higher crime rates than us.
Purple I just want them locked up for a very long time and off our streets if it acts as a deterrent, that's a bonus.

If we need to build 5 times the amt of prisons,then build them,lock them up and throw away the key for all I care,if you cannot behave yourself without raping molesting,robbing and killing then you have no place in society.
Robbing could mean breaking into a car. That hardly deserves to be on a list with rape, molesting (child abuse?) and murder. I agree that those offences should carry much greater prison terms but the economic and social cost of prevention is a small fraction of what it costs to keep people in prison.
So knuttell if you were wrongly convicted of rape, would your castration just go down as collateral damage in the fight against crime? We all want to see the bad men put away, but things are rarely black and white.
Robbing could mean breaking into a car. That hardly deserves to be on a list with rape, molesting (child abuse?)

Yes it does,we live in a society that is in places held to ransom by criminals and other scum,that have no fear of committing crime or getting caught as they will usually be out in jig time.

There should be zero tolerance for any criminal activity with draconian (compared to our current laughable system) sentences.

So knuttell if you were wrongly convicted of rape, would your castration just go down as collateral damage in the fight against crime?

In cases where the evidence is damning,DNA etc and in cases of repeat offenders/rapists and child molesters,then in order to protect the innocent from these predatory animals and their sick appetites,then yes Castration and not chemical castration either.
So an 18 year old who breaks into a car should be placed in prison for years with murderers? Sounds like an expensive way of turning petty criminals into brutalised violent criminals.

So beyond a reasonable doubt then?
So an 18 year old who breaks into a car should be placed in prison for years with murderers? Sounds like an expensive way of turning petty criminals into brutalised violent criminals.

If that's the price to pay where people can walk the streets at night and elderly people are not terrified of their houses being broken into and robbed and killed etc then that's the price.

If you don't want to to the time don't do the crime.

Reasonable doubt has in the past seen innocent people sentenced,however if there is DNA evidence and the offender is a serial rapist with a long line of victims,then you know what?Castrate them then lock them away for 20 years.

I have less than zero sympathy for these animals.
If that's the price to pay where people can walk the streets at night and elderly people are not terrified of their houses being broken into and robbed and killed etc then that's the price.

If you don't want to to the time don't do the crime.
Eircom phonewatch adverts and tabloid hype have more to do with people feeling safe or not in their homes and walking the streets than actual crime rates. This is a very safe country.

Reasonable doubt has in the past seen innocent people sentenced,however if there is DNA evidence and the offender is a serial rapist with a long line of victims,then you know what?Castrate them then lock them away for 20 years.
No, criminal convictions require reasonable doubt.

I have less than zero sympathy for these animals.
Thats not possible
Eircom phonewatch adverts and tabloid hype have more to do with people feeling safe or not in their homes and walking the streets than actual crime rates. This is a very safe country.

I am not so sure about that,there are murders every week sometimes more than one or even two,not just gangland but elderly people being tied up beaten in their own homes,rapes, pedophile rings,armed robberies,tiger kidnappings,insurance fraud,God but its rotten to the core with crime.

Ireland once upon a long time ago was a safe place,not any more,I wish that it were.

Just to be clear I am not just talking about zero tolerance for all crime,whether it occurs in a filling station hold up or in the CEOs office of a major Bank,send them all to Jail for a good hard sentence with 12 to a cell and one slop bucket with missing handles and you better believe it but crime rates will fall.
You mean Ireland where nobody spoke out about the crimes that were happening all around them? don't mix perception up with reality.
Lets take a 25 year period. 2007 is the latest year I can find statistics for.
In 1982 the total number of inditable offences committed in Ireland was 97,626.
In 2007 that figure was 104,946.
In 1982 our population was 3,504,000. In 2007 our population was 4,109,086.
Therefore in 1982 there were 0.0278 inditable crimes per person or 36 people for every one inditable crime and in 2007 there were 0.0255 inditable crimes per person or 39 people for every one inditable crime.

In other words there was an 8% drop in inditable crimes per head of population over that 25 year period.

Homicide rates have gone up over that period; from 1 per 100'000 to 1.8 per 100'000. In 2007 we had an average of 1.6 homicides per week. Therefore they can console themselves that this is one of the safest countries in the world. They can also remember that over half of all murders are carried out by family members or people known to the victim and less than 30% are carried out by strangers.
You mean Ireland where nobody spoke out about the crimes that were happening all around them? don't mix perception up with reality.

You are of course correct,foolish Knuttell for not perceiving properly the lack of crime/murders.rapes/etc being reported on a daily basis on our National Radio and in our National press.

I must not mix perception up with reality
I must not mix perception up with reality
I must not mix perception up with reality
I must not mix perc



There is no statistical link between the length of sentences given out, the prison conditions or even capital punishment and reductions in crime.
Education levels, employment levels and social conditions are the main factors that influence crime rates.
If you want to reduce crime then educate children and give them opportunities in life. Level them up so that they have the prospect of supporting themselves honestly. Oh, and it takes generations to fix, not weeks or months or even a few years.

That’s my view anyway; I believe in equality of opportunity (which is why I hate socialism, but that’s a different topic).

In an ideal world,this would indeed be the case and in a Utopian society there would be no crime.... sadly its never going to happen but we could come close if we introduced the legalisation of all drugs across Europe it would go a long way to massively reducing crime figures and save us Billions.

Its a no brainer,will it ever happen?

Not a chance.

You said Ireland long ago was a safe place, I refered to the many rapes that occured long ago but have only come to light in recent years. there was less public awareness about what went on all over the country and information wasn't immediately available as it is now.
"You may as well be hung for stealing a sheep as for a lamb"

That ,or something like that, was the old phrase which pretty well means that if I am going to get decades in sub-human conditions for stealing a car I may as well take the risk of shooting my way out of getting caught.

The present system in Ireland seems crazy, with criminals being give laughable sentences which only mean about two-thirds time served , with repeat offenders are repeatedly given bail.
Most people want better control of repeat offenders (especially the crazy bail laws) and ,in many crimes, harsher sentences.

But to go to the opposite extremes would probably mean a big increase in violence from criminals desperate to avoid getting caught and ending in Knuttell's prisons for twenty years .
if I am going to get decades in sub-human conditions for stealing a car I may as well take the risk of shooting my way out of getting caught.

On the other hand its more likely he will say to himself...

"If I get caught stealing this car I am going to an Irish gulag for the best part of 20 years,its not worth it,time I got a job and became a productive member of society instead of the worthless,hooded,robbing little chav bag that I now am.


As if by magic,one less high end car stolen.
I confess ,although it makes me sick, that the gardai probably should warn the ganster-scum that there is an imminent threat, if only to lessen the chance of random shootings that harm innocent people.

Not for one moment do I believe a gangster would stay indoors, just in case a stray bullet might whizz by his/her head and incidentally maim an innocent bystander.

Most of these guys don't care about their own lives, let alone members of the pubic who don't engage in illegal activity.

Are these thugs not a threat to the State? Yet the State is protecting them by informing them their lives are at risk.