Whose responsibility when door won't close due to new carpet?

Viviana Y

Registered User
Just had carpet installed in our entire house. Spent $8000. Most is okay except for the basement. 4 sliders and 2 standard doors cannot be installed back or open due to the height of the carpet and padding. The local carpet dealer we bought and paid installation for, looked at me and was dancing around the responsibility of who should get these doors shaved/cut and re-install. I can see both side of story, but as a consumer, I hired the expert to make sure I have good flooring and that they can fit in my house. That's part of the measuring process. I just want to know what the industry standards are in regards to this. Are we now stuck with an additional handyman cost to get the doors cut and installed or is this the responsibility of the flooring company. Thank you.
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Thank you.

The issue is the same wherever you are.

Either you pay or the carpet people pay. Just call them up and put pressure on them. Tell them you are not happy. No one wants unhappy customers. See what they will do for you.
You bought a carpet and underlay and labour to fit the carpet. If you didn't mention the door problems before you purchased you're liable.
If the doors will not close, then the carpets are not fit for purpose.

If the carpet supplier did the measuring, they should have seen that the the carpet proposed would not be fit for purpose and I would think they are responsible.