Who will buy copper cylinders?


Registered User
The local dump will take my old copper water cylinders but want to charge me the commercial recycling rate. With copper currently at $8000 /ton I would have thought they should be paying me.
Anyone know where I can sell them (Kildare area), or at least donate them to an sculptor?


cylinders are worth between 7 and 10 euro, any scrap yard in your area will buy them. Or put them out the front of your house and they'll grow legs and disappear!
Thats gas that they want to charge you, that stuff is like you say, worth a lot of money. I work in a, ahem, waste management related area, and would bump into a lot of travellers who would give you a few bob for them, either that or just take them off your hands at least, don't know if they'd be used in making art though.
Any scrap yard should buy them for you, friend of mine recently went with a few bits of copper piping and an old cylinder, and got 50E for her trouble.
Midland Scrap metal in Mountmellick would be a good bet. No relation.
my dad will kick himself, he sold one to a member of the travelling community for a fiver haha wait til i tell him!!!!!