Who maintains the Seanad electoral register?


Registered User
Since the Senate election season started, loads of election literature has been sent to a house where I haven't lived for years. As a relative still lives there, this is forwarded to me.

My normal voting address is up to date. Similarly, my UCD (where I graduated from ) address is also up to date.

So - who maintains the address list for the senate university panels ?

Re: Senate Election address

At a guess the NUI or individual universities? Certainly mine come with my degree and masters lettering after my names so the source must be the university anyway.
Re: Senate Election address

Maybe it's the NUI - my UCD address is correct.

If that's the case, I'm sure the register must be even more out of date than the normal electoral register.

Mine came with my birth cert name (name in full) and my current address - I registered with UCG for its annual magazine so I would imagine the individual college?
